- I felt as if my heart would burst with joy. 我觉得自己高兴得心花怒放。
- The tyre burst with a loud report. 轮胎砰的一声巨响爆裂了。
- He felt he would burst with anger and shame. 他恼羞成怒,都要气炸了。
- I thought I should burst with amazement! 我当时惊愕不已!
- I am so full that I would burst with another bite. 我吃得如此之饱,我感觉我再吃一口肚子就要胀破了。
- That day my heart burst with fire. 那一天心中燃起火焰。
- The square is bursting with tourists. 广场上到处都是游客。
- The garden was bursting with produce. 这园子长了许多农作物。
- The ceremony--walking down the aisle I felt like I could burst with joy! 那个仪式--走下走廊,我感到兴奋地要爆炸开来!
- With these few words I looked at his face as it suddenly burst with happiness. 仅此寥寥数语,我看到他的脸上顿时充满了欢喜。
- She was bursting with joy over the good news. 她对这个好消息感到十分高兴。
- Dan must be just about bursting with pride. 丹一定感到得意。
- The granary is bursting with grain. 粮食满仓。
- The old man is simply bursting with good health. 这位老人简直是健康得很。
- I was bursting with things to tell him. 我有许许多多事要告诉他。
- Bursting with money and indigestion. 腰缠万贯,脑满肠肥。
- She is bursting with vitality and new ideas. 她朝气蓬勃,满脑子新主意。
- The roads are bursting with cars. 车辆把那些道路挤满了。
- The hall was bursting with people. 大厅里挤满了人。
- Mary always bursts with laughter. 玛丽常突然大笑。