- Such fires always have burned themselves out quickly in America. 这种狂热在美国总是很快就会自行消灭的。
- The embers of the great fire had so far burned themselves out, and now glowed so low and duskily, that I understood why these conspirators desired a torch. 那一大堆篝火的余烬这时已经烧完了,只剩下一点暗淡的火光,我这才明白那些密谋者为什么要火把。
- Let's leave the two of them to sort themselves out. 咱们让他们俩自己把相互间的误解好好澄清一下吧。
- burn themselves out vi. 筋疲力尽
- Those who play with fire will burn themselves. 玩火者必自焚。
- They could not find a way to get themselves out. 他们无法找到一条逃生之路。
- They priced themselves out of the world market. 他们由于漫天要价而把自己赶出了世界市场。
- They couldn't find a way to get themselves out. 他们无法找到一条逃生之路。
- Let us leave that couple to sort themselves out . 我们让那一对夫妇自己解决他们之间的问题吧。
- They laid themselves out to entertain us. 他们为了款待我们煞费苦心。
- Don't worry, things will sort themselves out. 别担心,事情会恢复正常的。
- The nationalists have put themselves out of court as desirable rulers of their communities. 那些民族主义者做出的令人不齿之事证明他们不够资格做他们的社区的统治者。
- They must drive themselves out of the gutter. 他们必须摆脱贫穷。
- They bought themselves out of the army. 他们花钱活动,得以免征入伍。
- But such convulsive passions do not last long.They burn themselves out.Slowly, the anger of the crowd cooled. 村里还发生了几件奇事,至于读者信与不信,那只好听便了。
- They knocked themselves out with excessive work. 他们工作过度,把身体累垮了。
- They priced themselves out of the world market . 他们价格定得过高而被挤出世界市场。
- They tired themselves out with fruit-picking. 他们摘水果摘累了。
- Farmers used to hire themselves out for the summer. 农民们过去经常整个夏天在外面打工。
- Things will work themselves out. 事情会有好结果的。