- Somebody's going to break their neck(= injure themselves)on these steps. 会有人在这台阶上摔伤的。
- Malign fate had broken their necks, perhaps, but never their hearts. 致命的厄运有时期断了他们的头颈,但从不曾扼杀他们的勇气。
- Bluefins are sensitive creatures that hate being cooped up so much that, if confined, they tend to throw themselves against their cages and break their necks. 蓝鳍金枪鱼是一种敏感的动物,它们不喜欢象很多鱼那样被关起来,如果被关起来,它们往往会跳起向笼子撞击并折断脖子。
- Everyone craned their neck to see where it was. 每个人都伸长了脖子去看它到底在哪儿。
- Now I will break their yoke from your neck and tear your shackles away. 现在我必从你颈项上折断他的轭,扭开他的绳索。
- broken their neck v. 折断颈骨(作出极在努力)
- "Everyone craned their neck to see where it was. 我一直长到你们这么大才离开那儿。"
- He accused them of having broken their word. 他指责他们没有遵守诺言。
- break their neck vi. 折断颈骨(作出极在努力)
- They had broken their parole and fled. 他们违背假释誓言,逃之夭夭。
- Let us break their bonds asunder (Chorus) 1:49 . 我们要挣开他们的捆绑,脱去他们的绳索。
- The two animals couldn't break their bad habits. 两个动物不能改掉他们的坏习惯。
- They'll break their fast on 22nd. 他们将在22日开斋。
- The fans of the actress craned their necks to catch a glimpse of their idol. 那位女演员的崇拜者们伸长了脖子想看一看他们崇拜的偶像。
- Findan will have to break their lines and lift the siege. 芬丹必须设法突破敌人的防线,粉碎敌人的围剿。
- They craned their necks to see the dancer. 他们伸长脖子看那个跳舞的人。
- They crane their necks to see the dancer. 他们伸长脖子看那个跳舞的人。
- They break their journey in Bombay,before flying on to Hong Kong. 在飞往香港途中,他们在孟买做一短暂停留。
- broke their neck v. 折断颈骨(作出极在努力)
- And Turner's aides will break their frowns to laugh at you. 这时,特纳的助手会松开皱着的眉头,冲你一笑。