- Broadcasting and TV universities 电大
- Welcome to Teaching Department of Hebei Radio and TV University! 欢迎您浏览教学处主页!
- broadcasting and TV university 电大
- Wang Ping: The person of wisdom,who puts forward the idea of setting up ESPN is William Lasmuson,who engages in broadcasting and TV work. 王平:提出创建ESPN之构想的智慧人物是新英格兰广播电视工作者威廉·拉斯穆森。
- Wang Ping: The person of wisdom, who puts forward the idea of setting up ESPN is William Lasmuson, who engages in broadcasting and TV work. 王平:提出创建ESPN之构想的智慧人物是新英格兰广播电视工作者威廉·拉斯穆森。
- A video streaming multicast system was designed and implemented for applications such as data broadcast and TV. 针对数据广播平台等应用,设计并实现了一个视频流媒体多播系统。
- Uses: Extensively apply to Dc and pulse circuits of broadcasting and TV sets, all kinds of instruments, and communication equipments. 用途:广泛用于广播电视产品,各种仪器和通讯设备的直流及脉动电路中。
- There is the Open University in Britain which is something like Radio and TV University in China. 在英国有开放大学,性质与中国广播电视大学一样。
- Uses: Applicable to DC and pulse circuits of broadcasting and TV sets, all kinds of instruments and communication equipments. 用途:适用于广播电视产品、各种仪器和通讯设备的直流及脉动电路中。
- The headmaster Ms Teng Yuyun is explaining the school to the director Ms Wang Shihong of Weifang Radio and TV University. 校务会长滕玉云向潍坊电大书记王世洪介绍学校情况。
- At present,qualification tests are widely held for the journalists,editors and comperes in China,while broadcasting and TV programs using dialects are very popular in the country. 目前,一边是全国记者、编辑、主持人持证上岗资格考试如火如荼的进行,另一边是全国各地方言广播电视节目的火热升温。
- All of our products are passed the Authentication of National Broadcasting and TV Chief Bureau, and the Authentication of Nationality Constraint Products! 产品均通过国家广播电影电视总局认证和国家强制性产品认证!
- Broadcast and TV system, Microwave station of no duty, communicate industry controller, computer system industry Equipment sets, and other ptaces where need stable power supply. 广播电视系统、微波通信无人值守站、工业控制、计算机系统、工业设备配套。
- Under the strategy system of teaching mode "open-independent-flexible-interaction" by China Central Radio and TV University,Anhui Radio and TV University develops the leading teaching mode of "tuition-ndependence" by inducing and summing up abstractly. 安徽电大在中央电大“开放自主灵活互动”的宏观层面的教学模式结构框架和策略体系下,归纳、抽象概括形成了以“训导自主”为主导的教学模式。
- As important forms of mass media, broadcasting and TV programs have to undergo addressee subdivision before they acquire identification from the receivers from certain social classes. 广播电视节目作为当代大众传播的重要形式,同样必须通过受众细分才能获得社会特定层次的接收者的认同。
- The management of part-time teachers' archives not only influences the education and teaching management of Radio and TV University (RTU), but also influences the holistic management level. 摘要外聘教师档案管理工作不仅直接关系到电大教育教学管理工作,而且影响电大的人事整体管理水平。
- It makes the TV programs locally and separates the broadcasting and production.Star TV has many features such as entertaining、localizable,and it has plenty sources of films and TV programs. 面对珠江三角洲早已非常复杂的电视格局形势,星空卫视打出了本土化制作和管理的旗号,并提出了“制播分离”的经营模式。
- Moreover, the University has also set up a series of training institutions such as Continuous Education Institute, Foreign Language Education Institute, Liaoyuan Radio and TV University, and etc. 此外,学校还设有继续教育学院、外语教育学院、燎原广播电视学校、拥军学院、社区培训学院等培训机构。
- The company develops series products of the CATV photoemission equipment and the light receiving equipment and most early obtains the certificate to enter the net from original Bureau of Broadcast and TV. 公司开发生产的CATV光发射设备、光接收设备系列产品最早获得原广电部入网证书、被国家科委评为高科技新产品。
- Broadcast And TV System,Nobody sta tion on Duty of Microwave,Communicate Industey Controller,Conputer,System Industry Equipment Sets,Complete set of Lift Meed Rehulated Power Supply Pfbase. 广播电视系统、微波通信无人值守站、工业控制、计算机系统、工业设备配套。