- He was brought to life again by Dr. Miller. 米勒医生使他活过来了。
- Sunrise -- and the farm comes to life again. 太阳一升起,农场就又活。
- The wounded soldier came to life again. 伤兵又苏醒过来。
- The second Israeli channel sprang to life again. 以色列的第二条通讯渠道突然又活跃起来。
- His novels bring to life the Victorian age. 他的小说把维多利亚时代的生活写活了。
- A withered tree comes to life again. 枯木逢春。
- And saw it slowly come to life again. 他的孩子们瞧着那条毒蛇,发现它已经开始慢慢苏醒了。
- Sunrise-- and the farm comes to life again. 太阳一升起,农场就又活了。
- Bringing to life the dragon's various postures. 舞出长龙的各种姿势神态。
- One is that Balder is brought to life. 一说保德后来又活了。
- bring to life again vt. 使有生气(使复活;使苏醒)
- With my pictures I hope to bring to life ancient civilizations. 我愿用精美的画面去展现人类古老的文明。
- When Mr. Li came to life again,he found himself in a hospital bed. 李先生苏醒过来的时候,发现自己躺在医院的病床上。
- But as the door banged, she seemed to come to life again. 可是当门“砰”地关上的时候,她好像又清醒过来了。
- Superstitious activities have come to life again recently. 近来,封建迷信活动又死灰复燃了。
- When Mr. Li came to life again, he found himself in a hospital bed. 李先生苏醒过来的时候,发现自己躺在医院的病床上。
- With the advent of spring, everything comes to life again. 随着春天的到来,万物复苏了。
- I love to watch everything coming to life again in the spring. 我爱看万物在春天复苏。
- Can you bring to mind the name of the child? 你记得起那孩子的姓名吗?
- Ex: But as the door banged, she seemed to come to life again. 可是当门碰地关上的时候;她好像又清醒过来了.