- He can break a camel' s back with one wave of his wings. 英勇的猛禽正凌空而下,它能一膀子拍断公骆驼的腰;
- She put the saddle on the horse' s back. 她把马鞍放在马背上。
- He is binding a burden on the camel 's back. 他在将重物往骆驼的背上捆绑。
- Ursula caught the Arab’s back collar. 她立即全力追赶阿拉伯人。
- She' s back to her former self again, eg after an illness. 她又恢复了以前的样子(如病後).
- SHG laughed at the camera and hid her face behind KSW's back. 宋慧乔坐在金承佑旁边,正戴着耳机听音乐。
- They literally let it run off like water on a duck 's back. 他们几乎把这当成是耳旁风。
- A whip for the horse, a b***dle for the ass, and a rod for the fool#s back. 3鞭子是为打马。辔头是为勒驴。刑杖是为打愚昧人的背。
- Princess(walks toward the king‘s back): Father,do you worry about Jafar again? 公主(走到国王身后):父王,您又在想贾方的事吗?
- to break sb's morale/resistance/resolve/spirit 瓦解某人的士气/抵抗力/决心/精神
- break sb's morale, resistance, resolve, spirit, etc 瓦解某人的士气﹑ 抵抗力﹑ 决心﹑ 精神等
- He"s back ARNOLD SCHWARZENEGGER THE TERMINATOR is.The greatest action story ever told. 他回来了阿诺德。史瓦星格(终结者)。最伟大的动作片。
- Straddling the ridge of a mountain range shaped like a dragon’s back is, appropriately enough, Dragon’s Back Trail. 在香港旅游的标准是,所有资本家的荣誉,巨大的购物天堂被海景包围,豪华的餐馆和五星级酒店。
- Heather: The UK, France, Italy, India, Thailand, China, Japan. Then it‘s back home. 希瑟:英国、法国、意大利、印度、泰国、中国、日本,然后回来。
- Break sb's service, ie win a game in which one's opponent serves 破某人有发球权的一局
- Doctor Cattle Egret flew up to the buffalo's back and found many flies were biting her. 于是白鹭医生就飞到水牛的背上.;发现有很苍蝇正在咬着水牛
- The machine must break down at this busy hour. 正忙的时候,机器偏偏又坏了。
- Water continues to flow from the tank, adding to the wave’s back end to replicate a tsunami’s ultralong wavelength. 水继续从水槽流出,增加到波浪的后端,以重复一次海啸的超长波长。
- We must appoint sb to act as secretary. 我们得指定一个人当秘书。
- The steady flow of raid behind the man s back on Aoyama Doori became vaguely like a shiny curtain, and the man s well-put smile looked even better. 在那声音过后,那个男人背靠着青山路给人的感觉好像隔着窗帘一样模糊了起来,那个男人露出了满意的笑容感觉很好。