- Is Brand Equity an Instructional Tool? 品牌资本是一个有用的指导工具吗?
- Aaker, D. A., 1991, Managing Brand Equity, Free Press, New York. 品牌行销法则如何打造强势品牌,沈云骢、汤宗勋译,东华,台北。
- Mathematical Approach to Brand Equity Valuation Brand equity has been spoken about for years now. 近几年来,用数学方法评估品牌资产已为人们所熟悉。
- Every company has its own way of measuring brand equity, leading to different models being introduced. 每个公司针对品牌资产的评估都有自己的方法,从而建立不同的分析模型。
- The mathematical models for valuating brand equity are constructed around brand loyalty. 评估品牌资产的数学模型是围绕忠诚度建立起来的。
- Optimal Advertising and Promotion Budgets in Dynamic Markets with Brand Equity as a Mediating Variable By: Sriram, S. 动态市场中以品牌资产为居间变量的最佳广告与促销预算。
- Today, many firms use consumer or expert surveys to measure and monitor brand equity. 现在许多公司通过调查消费者或者专家来测量和监控品牌资产。
- Account Service : Ensure that the creative strategy is consistent with the brand equity, effective and impactful. 客户服务部: 我们擅长为客户"量身订做"别具创意的推广策略,满足客户的多样需求;
- While positive WOM increases sales and helps raise brand equity, negative buzz is usually harmful to business. 积极的WOM增加销量,帮助提升品牌资产值,而消极的废话通常对商务是有害的。
- In other cases, the extensions are unsuccessful and can dilute the original brand equity. 另外的情形,品牌延伸不成功并会冲淡原有的品牌资产。
- Aaker, D.A. ,”Management Brand Equity” , Journal of Business Strategy, 1992, pp.131-145. 品牌经营:如何创造品牌资产,朝阳堂文化,1995。
- You build brand equity and long-term customer relationships by delivering on the promises made during the first impression. 通过在第一印象中许下的承诺,来建立品牌资产和长期的客户关系。
- However, in spite of the two models explained above, it is important to note that there is no fixed recipe or scorecard to measure brand equity. 然而,除了以上两种模型,值得注意的是对于品牌资产的评估还没有固定的处方或记分格式。
- Tu boom introduced, many stores are wild geese City to devote great efforts to tap famous cultural content, and building brand equity. 涂剑秋介绍称,雁城不少店家正在下大气力挖掘名菜文化内涵,打造品牌效益。
- The establishment of brand equity requires enterprises must make relatively stable and lasting overall planning in brand strategy. 品牌资产的建立要求企业在品牌战略方面必须制定相对稳定、持久的整体规划。
- The brand equity is the aspiration for Taiwanese high-tech industry because OBM will declare its own industrial position. 品牌的权益是台湾许多高科技产业梦寐以求,因为“贴牌”永远会有它的产业地位。
- Practical experience indicates that the most genuine brand equity management and administration need system proving and effectual method. 实践经验表明,真正意义上的品牌资产经营需要系统论证和行之有效的方法。
- Brand econometrics is a new scientific method of managing brand equity for best category performance in a dynamic environments. 品牌经济价值量度是管理品牌资产的科学方法。
- Therefore, it is prudent to monitor brand抯 equity in addition to its sales, market share, and distribution coverage. 因此,在除关注销售额、市场份额和渠道覆盖率之外,监测品牌资产也是非常重要的。
- Conceptualizing,Measuring,and Managing Customer-Based Brand Equity,Kevin Lane Keller[J].Journal of Marketin9,Vol.57,No.1 (Jan. 于春玲;赵平.;品牌资产及其测量中的概念解析[J]