- However, Gloucestershire has its own connections to the boy wizard ... 然而,格洛斯特郡却与这个少年巫师有着独特的联系。
- The latest film about the British boy wizard opened Wednesday in 4,285 U. 最新关于英国年轻男巫的电影周三在美国和加拿大1285家影院公映。
- After all the build-up, the waiting, Harry Potter fans are devouring the last book in the series about the boy wizard. 在所有的宣传,等待结束后,哈里波特迷们终于可以津津有味的欣赏哈里波特系列的大结局了。
- America's Library of Congress tallies some 100 books in English about the boy wizard. 经美国国会图书馆计算,围绕这个巫师男孩,已有100余本英文书籍出版。
- Rowling has said two characters will die in the last installment of her boy wizard series, and she has hinted Harry could be one of the victims. 罗琳曾说过,在她的巫师男孩系列的最后一部中将有两个角色死去,并且暗示哈利可能是其中一个牺牲者。
- But Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows is threatened to be the last book in the series, and after that there will be no more adventures for the boy wizard. 但是;据说是哈利波特系列小说的终结篇;以后再也不会有男孩魔法师的冒险故事了!
- Sales have remained phenomenal even as Rowling's books have grown longer and darker, reflecting the boy wizard's maturation into adolescence. 《哈利·波特》系列一直保持着强劲的销售势头,尽管罗琳后面的书写得越来越长,内容也越来越阴暗,主要讲述了小男巫哈利·波特步入青春期,逐渐成熟起来的历程。
- Harry Potter author JK Rowling has written a new book, her first since the final bestseller about the boy wizard came out earlier this year. 哈利波特的作者JK罗琳已写完一本新书,这本书是继今年年初发行的畅销书哈利波特完结篇后,罗琳的第一部作品。
- Even the popular boy wizard Harry Potter has to battle a deadly dragon and get back a golden egg from its nest in "Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire". 甚至在著名的小说《哈里波特和火焰杯》里,小巫师哈里·波特也要打败一条凶恶的龙,从它的巢穴里抢回金蛋。
- The boy wizard of "Harry Potter" is growing up - and so are his fans, many of whom have replaced their old capes and wands with declarations of undying love. 男孩魔法师"哈里·波特"渐渐长大成人,他的影迷们也是一样,他们当中许多人的披风魔杖已经被追求永恒爱情的宣言所取代。
- Tom Felton said he was relishing two violent dust-ups with Harry Potter when he resumes his role as the evil Draco Malfoy in the sixth film of the boy wizard's adventures. 汤姆-费尔顿表示他很享受再次在第六部哈利波特电影中扮演邪恶的德拉科-马尔福并与哈利波特两次干架。
- Rowling said some characters will die in the last book, but wouldn't say if the boy wizard is among them: "It's not a bloodbath, but it's more than two," she said. 罗琳说一些角色会在最后一集中死去。但是她没说这位魔法少年是否是其中的一个。尽管不是大杀戮,但死的人不止两个。
- Players won't be confined to controlling just the boy wizard, with EA promising the Weasley brothers, Sirius Black and Dumbledore also as playable characters. EA承诺,玩家不仅局限于只控制小男巫哈利,还可以控制韦斯莱兄弟、小天狼星布莱克和邓布利多等角色。
- While the Potter films were earning him millions of adoring fans aroundthe world, Radcliffe's role as the bespectacled boy wizard was causingresentment at school. 虽然哈利波特电影赚取数以百万计的崇拜他,世界各地的球迷,拉德克利夫的角色是戴眼镜的男孩精灵造成怨恨在学校。
- The search for spiritual sustenance after last year's September 11 attacks has boosted the profits of religious publishers while children have demonstrated an insatiable appetite for the exploits of a boy wizard. 遭受了"9·11"的痛苦以后,大人们纷纷把目光转向宗教类书籍,想要从中寻求精神的寄托,而孩子们则表现出了对魔法世界冒险的无穷渴望。这些,都为出版商带来了巨大的收益。
- He could not have known then that his decision to publish a book about a boy wizard would start an international publishing phenomenon,or that within six years the first-time children's book writer in question would be richer than the Queen of England. 那时他并不知道,他决定出版那本关于巫术男孩的书竟会在国际出版界创造一个奇迹。他也没料到,6年时间内,这位首次出儿童书且受争议的作者竟比英国女王还富有。
- The search for spiritual sustenance after last year's September 11 attacks has boosted the profits of religious publishers while children have demonstrated an insatiable appetite for the exploits of a boy wizard. 遭受了"9·11"的痛苦以后,大人们纷纷把目光转向宗教类书籍,想要从中寻求精神的寄托,而孩子们则表现出了对魔法世界冒险的无穷渴望。 这些,都为出版商带来了巨大的收益。
- In fact,the former marketing director left Bloomsbury weeks before the publication of Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone,the first installment of the boy wizard's adventures. 事实上,在巫术男孩系列冒险小说第一部《哈利·波特与魔法石》出版前数周,他辞去布卢姆斯伯里营销总监一职,离开了出版社。
- The boy booted the banana skin to the garbage heap. 男孩把香蕉皮踢到垃圾堆旁。