- Binding energy affects nuclear mass. 能量结合能影响原子核质量。
- The binding energy of the deuteron can be found experimentally. 可以实验测定氘的结合能。
- Nuclear binding energies are strikingly high. 原子核的结合能是极大的。
- It is found that the polaron binding energy increases with pressure. 结果表明:极化子结合能随外加压力增加.
- The energy equivalent of the mass discrepancy in a nucleus is called binding energy. 与原子核中的质量差相对应的能量叫做原子核的结合能。
- The greatest amount of nuclear binding energy per nucleon occurs for nuclei in the vicinity of iron. 按每个核子计,最大的核结合能量出现在铁附近的核中。
- The spinar is a gigantic machine converting gravitational binding energy into electromagnetic radiation by means of rotation. 旋转体是一架通过自转把引力束缚能转换为电磁辐射的巨大机器。
- Binding energy and interaction potential of calcium cation and diazine ring are based on the calculation of all the complexes of optimized structures. 对优化得到的稳定配合物计算了钙离子与二嗪的结合能和相互作用势.
- The instability would invariably cause a turbulent flow that would transport angular momentum outward and dissipate gravitational binding energy. 这个不稳定性一定可造成乱流,向外传送角动量,并消耗重力束缚能。
- Nuclear binding energies are indeed amazingly large! 原子核的结合能确实大得惊人!
- One such parameter is the binding energy of particles inside the nucleus, i. E. The nucleons. 原子核的总结合能是指把原子核分开成为独立核粒子所需的能量。
- The relations of the core binding energy of bonded atoms and their molecular enviroment are discussed. 讨论了键合原子内壳层结合能和它的分子环境的关系。
- Because of this large binding energy, the exciton is stable at room temperature even in bulk crystals. 正是由于它高的激子结合能,甚至在室温下在大体积的晶体中激子仍很稳定。
- The total binding energy of a nucleus is defined as the energy that would be required to separate the nucleus into separate nucleons. 换句话说,独立核粒子结合组成一个原子核,就会释放出相等于该原子核的总结合能的能量。
- The results show that the exciton binding energy decreases as the dot radius increases for infinite confining well model. 对于有限深势阱模型,当量子点半径较小时,束缚能随着量子点的半径增加而增加;
- The geometric structure, average binding energy, energy gap and Laplas density are performed by the DFT theory at the B3LYP/6-311+G* level. 本章利用密度泛函理论B3LYP结合基组6-311+G~*的方法对离子团簇的几何结构、平均结合能、能隙以及拉普拉斯电荷密度进行了分析。
- Wurtzitic ZnO is a wide-bandgap semiconductor, it’s bandgap is 3.37eV at room temperature and its excitonic bound energy is 60meV. ZnO 的室温禁带宽度为3.;37eV,激子束缚能为60meV(远大于室温 的热能26meV),具备实现室温的紫外受激辐射的条件。
- The relation between the exciton binding energy and the spherical quantum dot radius has been calculated using the variational method. 摘要用无限深势阱和有限深势阱2种模型,计算了激子束缚能与球形量子点半径的关系。
- Wurtzite ZnO is a wide-bandgap semiconductor, whose band-gap energy is 3.37eV at room temperature and exciton binding energy is 60meV. ZnO的室温禁带宽度为3.;37eV,激子束缚能为60meV,具备实现室温的紫外受激辐射的条件,因此已经成为紫外光电子材料和器件研究领域的热点之一。
- The results show that the impurity phonon interaction is important and the phonon contribution to the binding energy is negative. 结果表明;杂质-声子相互作用显著且声子对结合能的作用为负.