- bottom loading transfer cask 底部装料用传送容器
- Bottom Loading Transfer Cast 底部负载传送模型
- The loading transfer differential equation of anchoring section is obtained based on grout body damage. 推导了基于浆体材料损伤的锚索锚固段荷载传递控制微分方程;
- In combination with field test, the load transfer behavior of multi-type-pile composite foundation has been analyzed by use of FEM. 利用有限元仿真手段,并结合现场试验结果,对多桩型复合地基的载荷传递机理进行了分析。
- The load transfer characteristics of rock-socketed pile are mainly decided by the shear behavior of rock-concrete interface. 摘要嵌岩桩的荷载传递特性主要取决于混凝土-岩石界面的剪切特性。
- The loading transfer in composite foundation and the settlement and variation of stress of soil and stress ratio of pile-soil law are analyzed under different loading conditions. 对不同荷载水平下复合地基中单桩荷载传递特性、桩间土的沉降、桩间土上的应力及桩土应力比的变化规律进行了分析;
- Till now, their load transfer mechanism is not distinct;and the factors influencing the settlement of single rock-socketed pile is very complex. 迄今为止,嵌岩桩的荷载传递机理尚不完全清楚,单桩沉降的影响因素又十分复杂。
- The analysis of the data shows that the load transfer performance of overlength piles is similar to that of end-bearing friction piles. 根据超长桩的现场静载荷试验资料,分析了超长桩的单桩荷载传递特性。
- After detailed analysic and comparison , it points out the differences between load transfer behavior of grouped piles and that of singled pile . 经过详尽的分析与比较,得出群桩复合地基荷载传递规律与水泥土单桩荷载传递规律的差异;
- The analytical method of load transfer is adopted to study the load transfer mechanism of rock-socketed filling pile in this paper. 内河大直径嵌岩灌注桩需承受横向载荷,为了研究桩和岩体在此工况下的工作特性,进行了室内大比尺模型试验。
- In order to improve the load transfer ability of the highway with heavy traffic, a dowel bar can be installed in the contraction joint of the rigid pavement. 摘要对于交通量日益增大的高速公路,可以通过增设传力杆来提高路面缩缝的传荷能力,有效地减少错台和断板现象。
- In order to improve the load transfer ability of the highway with heavy traffic,a dowel bar can be installed in the contraction joint of the rigid pavement. 对于交通量日益增大的高速公路,可以通过增设传力杆来提高路面缩缝的传荷能力,有效地减少错台和断板现象。
- They sent the enemy ship to the bottom of the sea. 他们把敌舰击沉。
- The simulation results indicate that the unconsolidated confined aquifer plays a crucial role in the process of load transfer because of its fluidness and replenishment in time. 通过实验结果的对比分析,得出由于承压水的流动性和补给作用,松散承压含水层对载荷的传递起很大作用。
- The child was sitting on the bottom stair. 那孩子正坐在楼梯最下面的一级上。
- The variety of cement concrete pavement contraction joint width affects the load transfer between pavement panels,as well as the load stress state of pavement panels. 水泥混凝土路面缩缝宽度的变化将导致路面板块之间荷载传递状况的改变,进而影响路面板的荷载应力状态。
- I intend to get to the bottom of it. 这件事我打算寻根究底。
- He was always bottom of the class in maths. 他的数学成绩在班上总是垫底。
- The dregs have settled at the bottom of the bottle. 渣滓都沉到瓶底了。