- He is very particular about his book collection. 他对他的藏书特别有讲究。
- My book collection occupied every last shelf in my apartment. 在我的公寓,每个书架都摆满了我收藏的书籍。
- Noron Adianov's book collection reveals his deep affection for the Kalmuck homeland. 诺仁收集了满满一橱的喀尔玛克书籍,怀乡之情,在此显露无遗。
- Only through these can the book collection of "National Press Index" avoid demerits and make progress. 同时,加大宣传力度,扩大品牌效应,以扬长避短,求得发展。
- Book circulation rate is weighs the library book collection quality and the grade of service important target. 图书流通率是衡量图书馆藏书质量与服务质量的重要指标。
- The humanism in Chinese ancient book collection culture is embodied through benevolence, lovingness and cheerfulness. 中国古代藏书文化中的人文精神是通过仁人精神、爱物精神、乐道精神来体现的。
- The depository of publications from international organizations, the Macao collection, and ancient book collection are key features of the Library. 现时图书馆藏书超过二十五万多册,馆藏特色包括国际组织出版物,澳门研究资料,古籍特藏等。
- Ho Kyun, the famous Korean scholar, devoted himself to book collection during the time he associated with Chinese scholars in Ming Dynasty. 摘要许筠曾结交过众多明代文士,与明朝文人进行交流、交换书籍、探知中国文坛动向。
- You may wish to visit the Burndy Library at the Dibner Institute, or the Houghton Library (rare book collection) or the Fogg Museum at Harvard to get some ideas. 你可藉由参观迪布纳中心的伯恩代图书馆、(收藏善本书的)霍顿图书馆或是哈佛大学的福格艺术博物馆的机会,找寻灵感。
- Using the detailed data, this paper discusses the important roll of bookseller in Hengshui in the development history of Chinese book collection culture. 论文用详实的的资料论述了衡水籍书商在中国藏书文化发展历史上所起的重要作用。
- If I lose my library card they won't let me access the book collections. 如果我把图书卡弄丢的话,他们不会允许我拿那些书的。
- Libraries organize and store their book collections on shelves called "stacks. 图书馆组织并将馆藏图书收藏在书架上。
- An excellently-established book collection and a well-arranged topquality professional team are essential prerequisites to enhancing the library's educational functions. 而搞好馆藏资源建设,优化图书馆专业人员配置,提高馆员素质是强化高校图书馆教育职能的前提条件。
- My book collecting habits are manic, and I am a confessed clutterholic. 我也承认我是一个喜欢堆杂物的人。
- Dongchuan Lu , an artist and a poet. love book collection,recite poetry, calligraphy, photography, painting and carving,especially like to draw Chinese landscope painting. 冬川爱好收藏书籍,博览群书,业余临习书画并攻篆刻,孜孜不倦,集诗书画印四艺于一身。
- I must admit I am very fond of collect rare book. 我得承认我很喜欢海内珍本。
- You can keep my book as long as you like. 我的书你要借多久都随你的便。
- I started the Library Dream books collection at the University of Manitoba in November 2003. 2003年11月我在曼尼托巴大学开始为梦想英文图书馆收集书籍。
- You can't judge a book by its cover. 不能根据封面判断一本书(不可以貌取人)
- The book is the jewel of his collection. 这本书是他藏书中最珍贵的一本。