- I think I'll take the one with a front view then. 我想我还是要阳面的吧。
- I want to take the one with a front view. 我想要一个朝阳的房间。
- A double room with a front view is. 两种房间的价格有什么不同?
- They are bilateral symmetrical animals with a triploblastic body plan. 它们是三胚层体制的两侧对称。
- A front view shows only the width and height of an object. 正面图(前视图)只示出一个物体的宽度和高度。
- Would you like a room with a front view or rear view? 您是要窗户临街的房间,还是背街的房间?
- To understand why the first apes were restricted in this way, consider the body plan of the early Miocene ape. 为什麽最早的猿在行动模式上受到那麽大的限制呢?
- Diagram of front view of a double heterostructure laser diode (not to scale). 一个双异质结激光器的前视图(非等比例)。
- Body plan of a generalized insect. The body is usually divided into a head...Any member of the class Insecta, the largest arthropod class... 地球动物篇/无脊椎动物(原生、海绵、空肠、扁形、线形、环节、软体、节肢)-中文/英文-2005/7/27-相关资料
- Maybe 5minites we got the destination,this is the front view of the palaestra. 大约5分钟之后我们到达了目的地,这是体育场的正面。
- Two infrared thermographic images on the face of a subject’s front view. 以红外线全像摄录机拍摄的两幅影像,图为面部正面。
- Instruct you 10 court now go out repast is thin body plan, let be moved less gluttonous OL reduces weight easily, appearance of regain body gentling and graceful! 现在就教你10招外出就餐瘦身计,让少动又贪吃的OL轻松减肥,重回窈窕身姿!
- Henry Moore sculpture in Docklands, London, UK. - Front view is here. 此相片有备注。将滑鼠放置在相片上方即可查看备注。
- The special body plan of Yunnanozoon is almost identical to that of the living enteropneust hemichordate Balanoglossus,which suggests that the earlyCambrian creature is ancestral to the hemichordates. 这种独特的身体造型与现生肠鳃类半索动物几无二致,从而表明这个早寒武世动物是地球上半索动物门中已知最古老的祖先类型。
- Please affix one recent passport style color photo, with full face, front view, no hat, and against a plain light background. 请将1张近期正面免冠、浅色背景的彩色护照照片粘贴于此。
- The second covers the six main "model organisms", Xenopus, zebrafish, chick, mouse, drosophila and caenorhabditis elegans, describing their early development to the stage of the general body plan. 第二部分介绍主要模式生物,包括爪蟾、斑马鱼、鸡、小鼠、果蝇和线虫;
- The top of the mountain was covered with a dark cloud, which took shine off the front view of the mountain. 一片乌云遮住山顶, 使山前的景物黯然失色。
- Turn on the defogging and defrosting function with the purpose of clearing your front view for safe driving. 打开除雾和除霜功能,目的是扫清您的前方视线,以便安全驾驶。
- Must show the full front view of the head, with the face in the middle of the photo and include the top of the shoulders. 必须在照片中体现整个头部的正面,脸部在照片中间,且要包括肩部上端。
- Swimming is the best way to tone up your body. 游泳是健体强身的最好方法。