- As blue as the bonnie blue flag. 就跟漂亮的宝妮蓝一样蓝.
- Blue flag and full-course yellow improvements and changes. 蓝旗和?规则的改进和更改。
- We hoist, on high, the bonnie blue flag that bears a single star. 我们要高高升起饰有一颗星的美丽的蓝旗。
- All raised, on high, the bonnie blue flag that bears a single star. 我们都高举起饰有一颗星的美丽的蓝旗。
- The blue flag is respected because it is the symbol of people helping people build a just and sustainable world. 联合国的蓝色旗帜赢得了人们的尊重,因为这面旗帜是人人援助他人以建设公正和可持续的世界的象征。
- Please look out for a blue flag of“ Tian Di Sports” indicating the call-up place by then. 届时将有一面“天地球协”的蓝色小旗指明集合地点,请留意。
- III. Each Judge will have a red and a blue flag or, if electronic scoreboards are being used, an input terminal. 每一位裁判拿着红色旗子和蓝色旗子,如果使用电子计分板则拿着输入盒。
- A blue flag with a white square in the center indicates that the vessel is ready to sail. 中间有一个白色正方形的蓝旗,表明船要起航了。
- The blue flag Asia advantage pula's chassis comes from is similarly Feiyate group's alpha Romeo 146. 蓝旗亚利普拉的底盘源自同样是菲亚特集团的阿尔法罗密欧146。
- At once the music swelled into "Dixie", "My Maryland" and the "Bonnie Blue flag". 随后是一阵热烈的喝采声。
- However, once used in the blue flag Asia advantage pula this section 1.6 making it the motive power to be average, the maximum work rate is 74kw, the maximum torque is 144nm. 图4:蓝旗亚利普拉轴距接近2600毫米,与现在不少新推出的紧凑级轿车相比也并不逊色。
- Galla ancient music popular in Baoding Laishui, Yixian area, full name of the Galla blue flag will be music, Santa, also known as music, great good will. 高洛古乐流传于保定涞水、易县一带,全名高洛蓝旗音乐圣会,也称音乐大善会。
- The first time she drank too much, she was embarrassed when she awoke the next morning with a splitting headache and an awful memory of singing "Bonnie Blue Flag" all the way back to the hotel, through the streets of New Orleans, in an open carriage. 她头一次喝醉的时候,坐着敞篷马车,穿过新奥尔良的大街小巷回旅馆去,一路上高唱《美丽的蓝旗》。 第二天清早醒来以后,头疼得像要裂开一样,想起头一天晚上那样出洋相,感到很不好意思,她以前连女人微有醉意也没
- Figure 4: The blue flag Asia advantage pula spread of axies close 2600 millimeters, the compact level passenger vehicle which many promotes newly with the present compare are not also inferior. 图4:蓝旗亚利普拉轴距接近2600毫米,与现在不少新推出的紧凑级轿车相比也并不逊色。
- The Judges will be seated in the safety area, one directly facing the referee, and one behind each of the fighters, and one metre towards the Referee.Each will be equipped with a red and a blue flag. 副审们将坐在安全区域,一位直接面对主审,其它二位各在选手的后面,与面对主审方向距离一公尺,各配备红色旗和蓝色旗。
- The clear water mirrored the blue sky. 清澈的水中映出蔚蓝的天空。
- Davidson said Massa ignored the blue flags as he was being ordered by trackside marshals to move over for faster cars. “他总是第一个在车手会议上站出来抱怨如我这般的车手被套圈时候的动作。”抱怨?马萨他有什么资格抱怨?
- A red flag slowly went up the pole. 一面红旗徐徐升起。
- I've always been good in traffic and I think that other people were being bad about the blue flags out there and maybe they made an example out of me. 我觉得我每次让车都很干脆,我想其他人在蓝旗下也许做的不够好,所以组委会就拿我杀一儆百了。
- There is a picture of the sickle on the flag. 旗帜上有镰刀的图案。