- Hundreds of soldiers died in this bloody battle. 成百上千的战士在这场血战中牺牲。
- Back from dead, Stick figure fights a bloody battle with the evil Boss and his henchmen over air, water and land. 历经艰险,九死一生最终将与匪首和他的顽固追随者有一场殊死搏斗。
- In July the Daily Mail reported the babrbaric sport of horse fighting where cheering crowds took bets on which stallion would win a bloody battle. 七月,日报曾经报道过野蛮的马战。激动的人们纷纷押宝,猜测哪只种马会在血腥的战斗中夺得胜利。
- S. and Chinese troops passed through on their way to a bloody battle with the Japanese at Myitkyina. 这和1944年中美军队穿越此处,前往密支那和日军浴血奋战的情景形成强烈的对比。
- S.Chinese troops passed through on their way to a bloody battle with the Japanese at Myitkyina. 这和1944年中美军队穿越此处,前往密支那和日军浴血奋战的情景形成强烈的对比。
- She has lured as to an end, not a watery grave as the sirens of old, but a bloody battle. 她诱惑我们走向终结,不是古老的塞壬那水底的坟墓,而是血腥的战斗。
- Scottish Jacobite leader and long - time persecutor of the Covenanters,whom he defeated in a bloody battle in which he was mortally wounded(1689. 格雷厄姆,约翰1649?-1689苏格兰詹姆斯二世党人的领袖和国民誓约派成员的长期迫害者,在一场其受到致命伤的血战中击败了国民誓约派(1689年)
- Scottish Jacobite leader and long.- time persecutor of the Covenanters,whom he defeated in a bloody battle in which he was mortally wounded(1689. 格雷厄姆,约翰1649?-1689苏格兰詹姆斯二世党人的领袖和国民誓约派成员的长期迫害者,在一场其受到致命伤的血战中击败了国民誓约派(1689年)
- STATE PROPERTY II" is the tale of three notorious gangsters, and their bloody battle for supremacy in the City of Brotherly Love. 讲述三个古惑仔在费城争夺地盘的故事,其中在城市里的爱情纷争。
- Scottish Jacobite leader and long-time persecutor of the Covenanters, whom he defeated in a bloody battle in which he was mortally wounded (1689). 格雷厄姆,约翰1649?-1689苏格兰詹姆斯二世党人的领袖和国民誓约派成员的长期迫害者,在一场其受到致命伤的血战中击败了国民誓约派(1689年)
- Scottish Jacobite leader and long-time persecutor of the Covenanters, whom he defeated in a bloody battle in which he was mortally wounded(1689). 格雷厄姆,约翰1649?-1689苏格兰詹姆斯二世党人的领袖和国民誓约派成员的长期迫害者,在一场其受到致命伤的血战中击败了国民誓约派(1689年)
- A bloody battle ensues as the Ubians manage to kill and scatter the wagon guards, but not before Appius escapes on horseback into the woods. 尤比安骑兵冲上来将牛车守卫们杀死冲散,阿庇尤斯在骑马逃跑时也被杀死。
- Islamist militiamen have clashed with their secular rivals in a bloody battle for territorial control in the Somali capital, Mogadishu. 伊斯兰民兵组织和它们的非宗教敌对力量为控制索马利亚首都摩加迪休的地盘进行了血腥的战斗。
- "Southern Anhui Incident", the New Fourth Army soldiers in a bloody battle here Qitianqiye, the fight against the KMT Wanjun. 皖南事变"中,新四军战士在这里浴血奋战了七天七夜,抗击国民党顽军。
- S. military in the first division of the bloody battle hard, and finally occupied a depth of less than two miles of the beachhead. 经过美军第一师的艰苦血战,终于占领了一条纵深不到两英里的滩头阵地。
- We eventually beat the enemy back after several days of bloody battles. 经过几天的浴血奋战,我们终于击退了敌人。
- Central to the story are the clashes between Mods and Rockers of the time, culminating with a bloody battle on a beach at Brighton, which was based on a real life event. 故事以那些存在于当时的摩登派和摇滚派之间的冲突为核心,并以一场在布赖顿海滩上发生的流血争斗掀起了高潮,而那场争斗是根据真实事件改编而成的。
- It was really a bloody battle. 那真是一场血战。
- It was a bloody battle. 那是一次血流成河的恶战。
- National Security Advisor General James Jones says the United States will continue to work closely with the Mexican government as it fights an often bloody battle against the drug syndicates. 国家安全顾问琼斯将军表示,美国将会与墨西哥政府在和贩毒集团进行的暴力斗争中紧密合作。