- blood counting ehamber 血球计数板
- Take your blood count first, please. 请先做一次血球计数。
- His blood count has stabilized and is holding. 他的血细胞计数已稳定并持续不变。
- Ll take a white blood count and give you a x-ray examination. 我将给您做白细胞计数和胸片检查。
- Many a time did we make blood count for the patient. 我们曾多次为那病人作血细胞计数。
- This time, a sample of blood goes to the lab for a CBC--complete blood count. 这时血样要送到化验室做全部血球记数化验(cbc)。
- She started clapping and said, " Alicia, your blood count is improving! 我永远也忘不了11月4日,我们的母亲正在看我妹妹的检查报告,她高兴地鼓起掌来,激动地说:“艾丽西娅,你的血细胞数有了好转!
- There is a range for normal blood counts. 下表列出了血细胞计数的正常范围。
- Later side effects may include tiredness, hair loss, low blood count, trouble with thinking, moodiness, and depression. 后期的副作用包括疲劳、掉头发、血液计数降低、思考困难、喜怒无常、沮丧。
- N: Let's take a white blood count and a blood amylase test, a kind of test for acute pancreatitis. 护士:让我们做个白细胞计数和淀粉酶试验,这是一种专为查急性胰腺炎的试验。
- Urinalysis and complete blood count should be done on all patients suspected of having surgical infection. 对一切疑患外科感染的病员,都须做尿液分析和血常规。
- Let's take a white blood count and a blood amylase test, a kind of test for acute pancreatitis. 让我们做个白细胞计数和淀粉酶试验,这是一种专为查急性胰腺炎的试验。
- Useful tests may include full blood count and erythrocyte sedimentation rate, as well as testing for endomysial antibodies. 有效的检查包括全血细胞计数、红血球沉降速率和人肌内膜抗体检测。
- A complete blood count, blood chemistries, and tuberculin skin test should be done. 要进行血常规、血液化学化验和结核菌素皮肤试验。
- Let's take a white blood count and a blood amylase test, a kind of test for acute pancreatitis. 护士:让我们做个白细胞计数和淀粉酶试验,这是一种专为查急性胰腺炎的试验。
- Laboratory tests might include: full blood count, liver enzymes, renal function and erythrocyte sedimentation rate. 实验诊断包括:全血记数、肝酶测试、肾脏功能测试和血沉检查。
- Possible secondary bone evaluations included conducting a complete blood count (CBC) and testing for thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) and blood urea nitrogen (BUN). 二次骨密度检查时包括的检查项目可能还有全血细胞计数(CBC)、促甲状腺激素(TSH)和血液尿素氮(BUN)测定。
- This is normal data from a complete blood count as performed on an automated instrument, including an automated WBC differential count. 自动化血细胞计数仪对正常的全血记数的资料,包括对WBC自动的分类计数。
- All patients with clinical findings of AKI should have a renal panel and complete blood count with differential performed. 具有急性肾损伤临床症状之全体病人,应作肾功能测试及全血细胞计数,且作差异比较。
- Dogs exhibiting this form of pica should be tested for anemia with a Complete blood count including Hematocrit levels, or Packed cell volume. 当犬只摄食这些物质时应接受全血记数检查以判断贫血可能,全血记数应包括血细胞比容水平和血球压积测试。