- blind box cover 窗帘箱
- Remove junction box cover that is secured by 3 screws. Place the cover aside and view the wiring diagram on the inside. 通过旋下3个螺丝来拆卸接线盒。把盖子放在旁边并察看内面的接线图。
- Loosen the screw holding the junction box cover to the top of the water heater. Set the cover aside. 卸下热水器顶部接线盒盖上的固定螺丝。把盖子放在旁边。
- The invention discloses a foldable packing box which comprises a box body unit, a containing unit and a box cover unit. 本发明公开一种折叠式包装盒,包含一盒体单元、一容纳单元以及一盒盖单元。
- The technic characteristics of the TV box cover were analyzed in detail, the mold design,the mold structure charateristics and mold working priciple were stated. 详细分析了制件的使用要求和结构要求,叙述了模具设计的过程,模具的结构特点及模具的动作原理。
- Earlier, details about early specs and box cover packaging for the HD DVD release of Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire appeared on Warner Home Video's official retail and press website (only to later disappear). 早些时候,一篇关于《哈利波特与火焰杯》hd-DVD早期规格及封面包装的详细情况的报道(报道点这里),出现在华纳家庭影象官方的零售和新闻网站上(只是后来被新闻撤下来了)。
- This voltage transformer has three poles and the iron is made of sheet.The body is fixed on the box cover by clamping.There have the primary and secondary bushing also on the box cover. 本系列电压互感器的铁心由条形硅片叠成,为三柱芯式,器身用铁夹件固定在箱盖上,在箱盖上装有一次及二次套管等,油箱用钢板焊成,油箱壁下部装有接地螺栓及放油塞,箱底有四个安装孔。
- Taking a blind man across the street is a kind act. 扶盲人过马路是一种善良的行为。
- It's cruel to make fun of a blind man. 取笑一个瞎子是残忍的。
- The man whose right eye is blind is Mr. Green. 右眼瞎的那人是格林先生。
- Visual Basic 2005 includes over 500 code snippets in the box covering tasks ranging from creating a custom exception, to sending an e-mail message, to drawing a circle. Visual Basic 2005本身包括了500多个代码段,涵盖了从创建自定义例外、发送电子邮件消息到绘制圆的许多任务。
- He is blind to her bad behavior. 他对她的不良行为视而不见。
- The blind have a keen sense of touch. 盲人有敏锐的触觉。
- Design of Injection Mold of the TV Box Cover 影视盒面盖注射模设计
- I felt much sympathy for the blind. 我对盲人深感同情。
- He is blind to his own mistakes. 他看不见自己的错误。
- She was blind to the silent worship in his eyes. 她没有发觉他眼里流露出的无声的敬慕之情。
- His mind was blind by wealth and fame. 他的心智为名利蒙蔽。
- History is one of his blind spots. 历史是他一窍不通的科目。
- The host then passed around a box of cigars. 主人这时拿了一盒雪茄烟请大家抽。