- Parents must let children blow off steam sometimes. 做父母的有时必须让孩寸们吵吵闹闹,发泄发泄。
- I just needed to blow off steam. 我只想出出闷气而已。
- Blow off steam To give vent to pent-up emotion. 释放被压抑的情感。
- He just needed to blow off steam. 最好以后再跟他谈吧,他要发怒了。
- After the rain,the boys blew off steam with a ball game. 雨停后,孩子们尽情地玩球。
- After the rain, the boys blew off steam with a ball game. 雨停后,孩子们尽情地玩球。
- After fighting with his wife, he went out for a walk to blow off steam. 跟他太太吵过之后,他出去散步以泄心头之怒。
- The children are blowing off steam inn the garden. 孩子们在花园里释放精力。
- Mark had to take his boss's rough criticisms all day and he would blow off steam at home by scolding his children. 马克对老板成天粗暴的批评只得忍气吞声,而回到家里就骂孩子出气。
- The steamboat has come into the pier and is blowing off steam. 汽船已靠岸,正在放汽。
- Don't apologize for shouting at them; it does you good to blow off steam occasionally. 不要为对他们大声叫嚷而抱歉,偶尔发泄一下抑制的感情对你有好处。
- Don't apologize for shouting at them;it does you good to blow off steam occasionally. 不要为对他们大声叫嚷而抱歉,偶尔发泄一下抑制的感情对你有好处。
- All you have to do is defeat the three monsters nearby. I overheard some peons say that helping them blow off steam is all it takes. 你只需收拾附近的三个怪物。人家听一些士兵说过,只需要吹走他们身上的蒸汽就可以了。
- When Maria was blowing off steam, her husband would keep silent. 每当玛丽亚发牢骚时,她丈夫便沉默不语。
- You may be fed up with something or somebody so you 'll try to blow off steam then fly off the handle finally go up in the air. 某人或某事可能会使你厌烦,所以你将试图发泄,然后你将发火,最后你将暴跳如雷。
- Those who hope that the Negro needed to blow off steam and will now be content will have a rude awakening if the nation returns to business as usual. 如果国家依然我行我素,那些希望黑人只需出出气就会心满意足的人将大失所望。
- It remains to be seen how much that perspective becomes another way for China to let the West blow off steam while it moves coolly ahead. 目前仍然要看这种设想能在多大程度上,在中国走得太过时,能成为让西方发泄抑制的感情另一种方式。
- "Collina should retire," adviced Moggi through Europa 7. "In life you must be respected and so, I say that Cobolli Gigli did well to blow off steam last Saturday. “科利纳应该退休了,”莫吉在欧洲7频道的节目中说,“在生活中你必须去赢得尊重,我是说吉利在上周六发脾气了,这真不错。”
- Parents must let children blow off steam sometimes 做父母的有时必须让孩子们发泄发泄。
- His hat blew off in a strong wind and landed up on top of a lorry. 他的帽子被一阵大风吹起,最后落到一辆卡车的顶上。