- This figure illustrates a typical blank column. 下图举例说明了一个典型的空白列。
- You can also paste one or more pieces of data into the blank column. 您还可以在空白列中粘贴一段或多段数据。
- If it isn't already selected, select the blank column (the one labeled Add New Field) in your datasheet. 如果尚未选择数据表中标记为“添加新字段”的空白列,请选择该列。
- You can also double-click the field name to automatically add it in the first blank column. 也可以双击该字段名称以自动将其添加到第一个空列中。
- From the Customers table window, drag the BirthDate field to the first blank column in the design grid. 从“客户”表窗口中,将“出生日期”字段拖到设计网格的第一个空列中。
- By default, all tables in Datasheet view now contain a blank column labeled Add New Field. 默认情况下,数据表视图中的所有表现在都包含一个标记为“添加新字段”的空白列。
- By default, the words Add New Field appear in the column header of the blank column. 默认情况下,空白列的列标题中会出现“添加新字段”字样。
- Scroll to the right or left side of the datasheet (depending on your Windows Regional and Language settings), and locate the blank column. 向右或向左(取决于Windows的区域和语言设置)滚动查看数据表,找到空白列。
- A blank column row is inserted. 此时,将插入一个空白列行。
- Selects the current region around the active cell (the data area enclosed by blank rows and blank columns). 选择环绕活动单元格的当前区域(由空白行和空白列围起的数据区域)。
- Blank column is hypothyroidism group; 空心柱为甲减组;
- She angled her column of chitchat toward teenagers. 她的漫谈栏侧重于十几岁的青少年。
- Some of them shall have blank charters. 他们当中一些人将得到行动自由。
- Er, let me think. Sorry, my mind's gone blank. 让我想一想。抱歉,我大脑一片空白。
- Many blank spaces are still left in the suburbs. 郊区仍留有许多空地。
- He used to write a column for this newspaper. 他过去曾为这家报纸写专栏文章。
- His column is syndicated throughout the world. 他的专栏文章通过报业辛迪加在世界许多报刊上发表。
- His memory was completely blank on the subject. 关于这个题目,他已完全丧失记忆。
- Many Elizabethan plays are written in blank verse. 伊丽莎白时代的许多戏剧以无韵诗形式写成。
- The column is surmounted by a statue. 柱顶上树立了一尊雕像。