- blackcoated proletariate 劳动知识分子
- I just saw no one but a blackcoat there. 在 那里我只见到一位牧师(不是“一件黑衣 服”)。
- As an ideal, human emancipation has to rely on proletariate. 人类解放作为一种理想,它的现实基础是依靠无产阶级。
- It will be a new experiment under the leadership of the proletariate. 它将是在无产阶级领导下的新实验。
- Whoever will die at some day.I’m so honoured for my life with timelessly flourishing proletariate’s career. 18、“人生自古谁无死,一个人的生命能够和无产阶级永葆青春的事业拥抱在一起,我感到无上的光荣。”
- As the vanguard of the proletariate,the Communist Party is closely associated with socialism. 共产党作为无产阶级的先锋队是和社会主义紧密联系在一起的。
- We have clearly written in that document that this is organising competition under the dictatorship of the proletariate. 我们已经在决议中明确地指出,组织竞争是在无产阶级专政的条件下进行。
- However, the relative eminence came along with illegibility which is the fate waiting for the women in the proletariate revolution. 但这种历经多年获得的相对彰显却又伴随着妇女在无产阶级革命中难逃的隐约命运。
- It repeated the cult of personality with dense feudalism.Finally it resulted in the Cultural Revolution of the proletariate which had lasted ten years. “反修斗争”强化了建国后一个时期内的教条主义和个人崇拜,终于导致了历时十年之久的无产阶级文化大革命。
- Mao Ze-dong's Criticism and Self-Criticism thoughts were formed and developed on the theoretic basis of general laws of the development of proletariate in Marxism. 毛泽东的批评与自我批评思想是在马列主义关于无产阶级政党发展的一般规律的理论基础上形成和发展起来的。
- Chinese working class( proletariate)ascended the arena of politics as an independent political force with consciousness for the first time, and demonstrated its great power. 留学解答资讯网:中国工人阶级第一次作为觉悟了的独立的政治力量登上了政治舞台,显示了它的伟大力量。
- Kick Of The Proletariate! 严重同意!握握爪握握爪!
- The difference lies in that we are talking about organising the competition in the leadership of the proletariate whereas they organise the competition under the leadership of the bourgeoise. 区别在于,我们谈的是在无产阶级领导下组织竞争,而他们是在资产阶级领导下组织竞争。
- the blackcoated proletariat(e) 劳动知识分子
- blackcoated proletariat 劳动知识分子
- blackcoat n. 牧师;服勤人员
- industrial proletariate 工业无产阶级
- proletariate n. 无产阶级
- rural proletariate 农村无产阶级