- My birth date is April eleventh, 1983. 我出生于1983年4月11日。
- Change in your name, ID number or birth date is subject to ETS approval. 您对于姓名、证件号码或生日的更改需要得到ETS的批准后生效。
- Purple Star astrology divides your life into twelve zones based on your birth date and time. 紫薇斗数是用一个人的出生年、月、日、时排出十二宫。
- Define the event handler, and write the code inside of it to perform bounds checking on the birth date. 定义事件处理程序,并在该事件处理程序中编写代码,以便对出生日期执行边界检查。
- If your birth date is in the sign of Aquarius, Gemini, or Virgo, Wednesday is your lucky day. 如果你生日属于宝瓶座、双子座或室女座,星期三是你的幸运日。
- He was born and raised in Los Angeles, where he continues to live today. Segel's birth date is January 18. 他在洛杉矶出生和长大,并一直居住至今。西格尔的生日是1月18日。
- LifePath is based on the Numerology theory. It describes your Life Path according to your birth date. 想要记载下一生所经历的重要事件给自己留下美好的回忆吗?这个应用程序可以帮到你。
- The queen's actual birth date is April 21st, but as the queen she gets a second official celebration. 女王实际的生日是4月21日,今天是由官方主办的第二次生日典礼。
- Siti's birth date is one week after Ali's birth date. What is Siti's birth date? 西蒂的出生日期是在阿里出生日期的一个星期后。哪项是四蒂的出生日期?
- For example, you can enter a birth date in a control on a form and display the number of elapsed years from that date in another control. 例如,您可以在窗体的控件中输入生日,然后在另一个控件中显示在此日期后的年数。
- The most beneficial color in your environment should be matched to a large extent, if not totally, with that of your birth date. 您最有利的环境色彩亦宜在很大程度上,如果不是全部,与您出生日期。
- But gambling can be an illness, and some people on the list still try to sneak in by changing their name or swapping a few numbers in their birth date. 但赌瘾可能是一种心理疾病,而某些黑名单中的赌徒,仍可能试图改变名字或是将生日日期交换几个数字,然后偷溜回赌场。
- Name: Steve Lee Gender: Male Birth date: September 6, 1979 Birthplace: Beijing Marital Status: Single Address: Rm. 503 Tower A, Huazun Building. 这份简历从格式和内容上很明显是一份中式英文简历,而且是一名刚毕业大学生的英文简历。
- Please fill in the blanks with your name, gender, birth date, age, career, nationality, the number of your I.D. Card or passport, etc. 请在空格中填写您的姓名、性别、出生日期、年龄、职业、国籍、身份证或护照号码等。
- A clue to George Washington's birth date is found in this 1790 letter by Tobias Lear, Washington's secretary and close friend. 有关华盛顿生日的线索,藏在1790年汤比亚斯利尔的信中,他是华盛顿的秘书也是密友。
- Please provide applicants'names, birth dates and insurance requirements. 请提供申请人的名字,生日和保险要求如下。
- Red People born under the sign of Libra or Taurus may find red an unlucky color, but those whose birth date falls in Aries or Scorpio should wear red for good luck. 红色那些出生属于天秤座或金牛座的人也许觉得红色不是吉祥的颜色,但是那些出生属于白羊座或天蝎座的人应该佩戴红色以求吉祥。
- Having fewer sources and being further removed in time from the authors of the New Testament, establishing a reliable birth date now is particularly difficult. 当时几乎没有资料和人是存在于新约作者们的范围以外的,建立一个可靠的出生日期现在变得尤为困难。
- The only documentation Boon Phonma, 43, could offer was a birth date she said was scribbled on a palm leaf by her mother. She said she was turned away by officials. 43岁的布恩能提供的唯一文件是出生日期,她说是由母亲潦草写在一片棕榈叶的上面。她表示被官员打了回票。
- Can you produce any proof of your date of birth? 你能出示有关你的生日日期的任何证件吗?