- bionic dental implant 仿生种植牙
- A dental implant;a subcutaneous implant. 牙齿的植入;皮下移植
- ZrO 2-CBC is a kind of promising dental implant material. ZrO2 -CBC是一种有前途的牙科种植体材料
- Objective:To study the clinical application of CDIC dental implant. 目的:探讨CDIC纯钛牙种植体的临床应用疗效。
- A Novel System for Constructing Voxel-based Finite Element (FE)Models of Dental Implant and Jawbone. 基于体素的牙种植体及颌骨的有限元建模
- The first project that this Fund supports is a Dental Implant Service for the elderly in Hong Kong. 首笔股息将会资助港大牙医学院的长者植计划。
- A dental implant is an artificial tooth root that a periodontist places into your jaw to hold a replacement tooth or bridge. 种植牙是一种通过专科医生植入颌骨的人工牙根;用以镶复牙冠或牙桥.
- Dental implants let you eat the foods you love. 种植体让您可以尽情享用美食。
- Success rates of dental implants? 种植牙的成功率如何?
- Excessive load of dental implant being a causative or contributing factor is still a controversial point of discussion. 但是,关于咬合过度负荷与晚期植体失败之间的关联性仍然是一个争议的议题。
- Conclusion: Gingival junctional epithelium can perfectly attach to one-stage casting titanium dental implant. 结论:牙龈结合上皮可以与铸造钛种植体形成生物性附着。
- A 78-year-old man aspirated a metallic dental implant, with the presenting symptoms of cough and mild fever. 本例是一位78岁男性病志,于外院进行假牙植入时发生金属假牙吸入气管的意外。
- The success of dental implant depend on the using of bone substitute material and biomembrane in great extent. 种植义齿的成功很大程度上倚赖骨替代材料和生物膜的应用,材料学的发展使骨替代材料的各方面性能更加优越。
- However, the bone volume and adjacent anatomic structure limit the feasibility of dental implant. 然而,无牙脊的骨头高度和邻近的解剖构造往往限制了植牙的可行性。
- Abstract: To investigate the influence of CDIC dental implant and baked porcelain metal crown on MRI image. 文摘:目的:观察在颅脑磁共振成像(MR)检查中,口腔内种植体和烤瓷金属冠对MRI影像学诊断的影响。
- Abstract: To investigate the influence of CDIC dental implant and baked porcelain metal crown on MRI image. 摘 要: 目的:观察在颅脑磁共振成像(MR)检查中,口腔内种植体和烤瓷金属冠对MRI影像学诊断的影响。
- From the perspective of biomechanics, the dental implant success and osseointegration are closely related. 摘要:以生物力学观点而言,人工植牙的成功与骨整合有密切相关。
- Objective: To discuss and sum up the clinical effect of two stage tianium dental implant. 目的探讨总结二段式纯钛人工牙种植体的临床应用疗效。
- To investigate the influence of CDIC dental implant and baked porcelain metal crown on MRI image. 目的:观察在颅脑磁共振成像(MR)检查中,口腔内种植体和烤瓷金属冠对MRI影像学诊断的影响。
- Objective:To investigate the influence of CDIC dental implant and baked porcelain metal crown on MRI image. 目的:观察在颅脑磁共振成像(MRI)检查中,口腔内种植体和烤瓷金属冠对MRI影像学诊断的影响。