- Pay is based on fingerprint biometrics technology in today's most sophisticated fingerprint recognition technology. 指纹支付采用的是当今生物识别技术中最为成熟的指纹识别技术。
- The whole purpose of this project is to develop an EDMS based on network database and biometrics technology. 本课题的总体目标是开发一个网络数据库平台上的、基于生物特征认证技术的CAD图档管理系统。
- With the advance of related technologies and the emergence of grand requirements, the biometrics technology is undergoing rapid and extensive development. 随着技术进步和需求扩大,生物特征识别技术得到了蓬勃发展。
- The bank also will become Asia biometrics technologies in the field of financial business to pay the first bank. 农行也同时成为亚洲将生物识别技术应用于金融支付业务领域的第一家银行。
- Liveness Detection in Biometrics Technology 生物特征识别技术中的活体确认
- RSI significantly enhanced biometric technology for its hand scanners. RSI生物测定技术显著地提高掌形扫描仪性能。
- The program will use fingerprint biometric technology for the verifications. 该项目将采用指纹生物技术来验证。
- Advanced biometric technology will link a person to a bank account for automatic billing. 先进的生物识别技术将会把人和银行账户联系起来,进行自动结账。
- Biometrics Technologies Applied in Anti-Terrorism 生物统计学技术在反恐领域的应用
- A Novel Biometrics Technology - Finger-back Articular Skin Texture Recognition 一种新的生物特征识别模式-手指背关节皮纹识别
- Biometric technology is recognized by the people themselves, without any certification that way than more secure, more convenient. 生物识别技术认定的是人本身,没有什么能比这种认证方式更安全、更方便了。
- Biometric technology lies on the particularity, the invariability and the measurability of biometric characteristic to recognize the individual. 生物识别技术是依据人的生物特征的惟一性、不变性和可测量性进行个体识别的。
- R.P.Wildes, “Iris Recognition: an Emerging Biometric Technology,” Proceedings of the IEEE, vol. 85, No. 9, pp. 1348-1363, Sep. 1997. 袁上元著,“建构于碎形维之自动人眼虹膜辨识系统”,逢甲大学电机工程研究所硕士论文,2000。
- These disadvantages impact the use of safety authentication measures in the network application, so biometric technology comes into it synchronously. 随着各种安全认证措施相继在网络应用上搁浅,生物识别技术开始进入安全认证的舞台。
- These systems are far from perfect.But with inexpensive sensors and powerful microprocessors now available, biometric technology is certain to become more pervasive. 目前这些系统还有许多改进的空间,但是有了便宜的感测器和运算快速的微处理器,生物辨识科技肯定会日益普及。
- Face recognition is a biometric technology possessing great developable potential, researching on the face recognition technology has great theoretical and practical values. 人脸识别是一项极具有发展潜力的生物特征识别技术,研究人脸识别技术具有十分重要的理论和应用价值。
- Technology is a booming sector of the economy. 技术是一个迅速发展的经济部门。
- Voiceprint Recognition(VPR) is one of Biometric technologies which can know who are you by your words. 声纹识别是语音识别的一种,它根据测试语音来辨别说话者的身份。
- Among biometric technologies, Sandia reported that hand geometry had the highest user acceptance of all devices tested. 在生物测定的技术中,Sandia报导所有掌形机测试,高度安全、易用和高可靠性受到用户高度评价。
- The compact disc is a miracle of modern technology. 激光唱片是当代技术的奇葩。