- big eight accounting firms [经] 八大会计师事务所
- "She joined the ranks of what was then one of the big eight accounting firms, and went on to become the CFO of a turnaround company in the computer industry, tax director for a national insurance company. " 随后,她进入了当时的八大会计师事务所之一。后来,她陆续做过电脑行业的一家增长迅速的公司的财务总监,一家全国性保险公司的税务指导。
- Infi nite menu.Examples: Big Five accounting firms, Computer Sciences Corp. 例:索尼、英特尔、朗讯、每一个药品研发公司。
- My sister works in an accounting firm. 姐姐在一个会计师事务所上班。
- Before joining Jade Co., Danny was a member of the audit department in one of the Big Four accounting firms for many years. 在加入捷得以前,她在某四大之一的会计师事物所的审计部任职多年。
- Thus, Public accounting firms often are called cpa firms. 因此,公共会计师事务所常被称为注册会计师事务所。
- If one of the big four international accounting firms collapsed, some large quoted companies might be stuck without an alternative. 如果这四大中有一家突然垮掉,有些大型公司就可能再也找不到另外的选择。
- A more intriguing question is whether the organisational structure of the big accounting firms also has lessons for other companies. 一个更有意思的问题是,大型会计事务所的组织架构是否也值得其他公司学习。
- With companies increasingly globally focused, even big international accounting firms have to further expand their scale of operations in line with those of their clients. 随著企业趋向全球发展,国际大型会计师事务所也要配合其客户扩展经营规模。
- Cheval Blanc, along with Haut Brion, remains one of the two least expensive members of Bordeaux's "Big Eight". 白马庄园与奥比康庄园是波尔多八大庄园中性价比最好的葡萄酒。
- I do some work for Smith and Dale,Your company's accounting firm. 我为贵公司的会计顾问公司 smith和Dale事务所里做一些工作。
- I do some work for Smith and Dale, Your company's accounting firm. 我为贵公司的会计顾问公司。
- The radical reform would be a lasting solution to regulators'concerns that the big accounting firms offer inconsistent standards of audit work across the world. 监管部门一直担心,大型会计师事务所在全球提供的服务标准不一致,而上述根本性的改革将一劳永逸地解决这一问题。
- In1999, among the "big five" accounting firms, the percentage of audit revenue in Andersen, PwC, Ernst & Yong, Deloitte & louche, KPMG were 18%, 35%, 34%, 31%, 36% respectively. 1999年,“五大”会计师事务所中,安达信、普华永道、安永、德勤、毕马威的审计收入比例分别为18%25、35%25、34%25、31%25、36%25。
- It is known that the Singapore judicature cooperation provides Wu Jing cyclopentadiene, Huang Ruijing and so on three person, company total eight account data. 据了解,新加坡司法互助所提供的吴景茂、黄睿靓等三人、一家公司共计八个账户数据。
- The firm's accounts Firm eed tofe set in order. 公司的账目需要清理。
- As time passed, the entrenchment of those in power, as well as their fierce devotion to their internal competition, began to have trickle-down effects on the Big Eight's top tiers. 随着时间的流逝,巩固当权者,以及他们献身于激烈的内部竞争,开始有涓滴影响大八大顶级层次。
- The second set of statements is prepared according to International Accounting Standards (IAS), and audited by a Big Five accounting firm. 第二本帐依据国际会计标准(IAS)制订,由五大会计师事务所中的某一家验核。
- In January 2001, the Ministry of Finance promulgated or revised eight Accounting Standards for business enterprises. The revision of the Debt Restructuring Accounting Standard has important effect on the financial statements of listed companies. 2001年1月,财政部颁布了新制定、修订的8项会计准则,其中修订后的《企业会计准则--债务重组》对上市公司的财务报告产生了重大影响。
- Our firm is likely to reap a big profit this year. 今年我们公司很可能获得巨额利润。