- Were our focuses dragged by Big Players? 我们的注意力是否被大玩家们拽着走?
- "He just loves football and loves training and he will be a big player next year, believe me," Sir Alex told The Sun. “他喜欢足球,喜欢选连,他将是下赛季耀眼的球星,相信我。”爵爷告诉太阳报。
- "It will also be nice to play with Baptista and he can become a big player for us this season," Henry said. “和巴普蒂斯塔一起踢球也是一件美妙的事情,这个赛季他会成为阿森纳的关键人物。”亨利表示。
- Investors get skittish, worrying that the issues plaguing one big player will affect another. 投资者被吓到了,担心一个大玩家感染上瘟疫会传染给另一个。
- Verso Paper, the spin-off of International Paper's coated paper business, is privately held by Apollo Management, another big player in private equity. 科罗维纸,附带的国际纸业的铜版纸业务,是一家私人持有的阿波罗管理公司,另一个伟大的球员在私人股本。
- This article discusses such aspects as the construction of large-scale team,the physical strength training of big player and the meaning of key tosser. 主要就队伍大型化建设,高大选手体能训练,核心队员二传手的意义等问题作相关探讨。
- The company is such a big player in insuring risk for institutions around the world that its failure could undermine the global financial system. 这家公司在为全球金融机构提供风险保险方面有着举足轻重的作用,它一旦崩溃,将会对全球金融体系造成破坏。
- This young kid looks like the next big player to come out of Holland. After three months of him in my Liverpool side he is already praised as Mighty Maduro. 这个小伙子看起来将是荷兰出产的下一位巨星,在我的利物浦里,三个月后他就被赞为"强悍的马德罗"
- Why don't we try and get some big players in for the next issue? 我们何不试着在下期拉更大的客户?
- So it will be tempting for the big players to shrug their shoulders. 所以,主要谈判国很可能会对谈判失败表示漠然。
- But as private equity becomes an ever bigger player, its operators are running into the law of large numbers. 但作为私人股票变得比以往更大的球员,其经营者陷入大数定律。
- Keefe Bruyette was the biggest player in the financials on the Street and the crown jewel of my customer base. Keefe Bruyette公司是华尔街上从事金融板块衍生工具交易的最大玩家,也是我最重要的客户。
- Our firm is likely to reap a big profit this year. 今年我们公司很可能获得巨额利润。
- The bigger players are getting better at selling online, Mudd says. 较大的球员表现得非常好,在网上销售, mudd说。
- That firm competes with PME Fluidtec of Germany, the biggest player in the field with 45 to 50 commercial applications, including 18 new ones in the last year alone. 与拥有45至50套商业系统(其中仅仅去年一年就售出18套)的最大水辅注射供应商德国的PME相竞争。
- The best player go off to the big club, leave us the dross. 最好的队员都投奔大俱乐部去了,就只给我们剩下些不中用的人。
- Dell is bound and determined to show that it can be a bigger player in the consumer market. The company also is trying to shake its reputation for stodgy design. 戴尔正发奋图强,誓在消费者市场上有一番更大的作为,并努力改变在公众心目中戴尔电脑设计古板的印象。
- Third, the big players would always support the market because they could be ruined by a market crash. 第三,主力不愿意股市下跌。
- In fact, among the big players, Yi Jianlian is the ability to project strength, with first-hand feel very good shot. 实际上在大个子球员中间,易建联的投射能力还是强项,有着一手相当好的投篮手感。
- Asian history is replete with examples of competition for power and even military conflict among its big players. 亚洲历史充满了权力斗争甚至是大国间军事冲突的例子。