- The effect of axial tensile load on magnetic memory signals from the surface of medium carbon steel 拉伸载荷作用下中碳钢磁记忆信号的机理
- Axial tensile loads 轴向拉力
- The condition of uniaxial stress is closely approximated in prismatic bars subjected to pure axial tensile. 单轴的应力状态跟棱柱杆承受单纯轴向拉伸十分近似。
- The condition of uni axial stress is closely approximated in prismatic bars subjected to pure axial tensile. 承受单纯轴向拉伸和压缩的棱柱杆十分近似地处于单轴的应力状态。
- The calculation results shows that there exist axial tensile stresses in a stretching body when W/H=0.5. 计算结果表明砧宽比等于0.;7时;拔长体内存在轴向拉应力。
- Creep is the manifestation of polymer chain rearrangment under tensile load. 蠕变是在载荷作用下聚合物分子链重排的表现。
- The condition of uniaxial stress is closely approximated in prismatic bars subjected to pure axial tensile or compressive ioading. 承受单纯轴向拉伸和压缩的棱柱杆十分近似地处于单轴的应力状态。
- The initiation of the cracks was caused by stress corrosion resulting from the co-effect of the corrosive gas dust and the axial tensile stress. 表面裂纹萌生原因是拉杆在腐蚀性高炉煤气粉尘和轴向拉伸等工作应力的综合作用下,形成的应力腐蚀裂纹。
- Zero-span tension technology is a novel and reliable method for assessing the axial tensile strength of softwood tracheids. 零距拉伸是评价微尺度木材纵向力学强度的有效手段之一。
- Relatively comprehensive test study on the strength capacity of the reinforced concrete beam under bending moment, shear force and axial tensile force was carried out. 摘要对弯、剪、轴拉复合受力状态下钢筋混凝土梁的承载能力进行试验研究。
- The critical instability flowrate is proportional conversely to fluid pressure and axial compression force of pipe section, but is proportional to the axial tensile force. 并且失稳临界流速随流体压力和管截面轴向压力的增 加而下降,随管截面轴向拉力的增加而上升.
- Study Design. A uniaxial tensile loading study of 13 lumbar porcine ligaments under arying enironmental temperature conditions. 研究设计:在不同环境温度下的13例猪腰椎韧带单轴张力负荷研究。
- Three dimensional finite element analysis with COMEP code was carried out on a plain weave glassfiber composite under tensile loading. 应用有限元法对一种平面编织玻璃纤维复合材料层板在拉伸载荷下的微观应力场作了详细的计算分析。
- The inside buffer plate is to support tensile load, which prolongs the service life of excavators. 臂内安装有内部缓冲板以承受强力负载,从而大大延长了挖掘机的使用寿命。
- A stable tensile load, and at the same time corrosive conditions, can cause stress corrosion. 有稳定的张力负载,同时也有腐蚀性的情况,就会造成应力锈蚀腐蚀。
- The mechanical behavior of nano-single crystal and nano-bicrystal copper within (111) atomic layer under static tensile loading is studied with molecular dynamics. 用分子动力学方法模拟了纳尺度铜单晶与铜双晶的(111)面原子的静拉伸力学行为。
- Damage and fracture behavior of self-reinforced polyethylene (PE) composite under monotonic tensile loading were investigated by acoustic emission (AE) technique. 摘要用声发射(AE)技术研究了聚乙烯自增强复合材料的拉伸损伤与断裂行为。
- The strain distributions in the zones around the double-edge crack-tips for longitudinal and transversal specimens were obtained under the tensile loading. 结合对试件断口形貌的扫描电镜观察,分析了两种拉伸试件的破坏模态。
- The failure behaviors of the pultruded carbon fiber/ vinyl ester composites and carbon fiber tows were monitored by the electrical resistance measurement during tensile loading. 而对于碳纤维束,主要破坏行为为碳纤维的断裂。
- The effects of material metallur-gy, shot--peening treatment, tensile load, strain rate, cyclic load and water chemistry on the behavior ofSCC are investigated. 研究的影响因素包括材料冶金、表面喷丸处理、载荷、应变速率、循环载荷以及水化学条件对SCC的影响规律。