- In turn process, bent arm ancon is rotational 90 degrees, on half of head and body want 180 degrees to turn. 转体过程中,弯曲的臂肘转动90度,头和身体的上半部则要转动180度。
- Then those deities disappeared from the pure abodes and appeared before the Blessed One, as quickly as a strong man would bend his stretched arm or stretch his bent arm. 三如是彼等诸天,恰如有力人之伸屈臂腕,屈伸臂腕,如是没于净居天,现于世尊处。
- The Blessed One arousing remorse in that brahma as quickly as a strong man would stretch his bent arm or bend his stretched arm, disappeared from the world of Brahma and appeared in Jeta's grove. 十三如是,世尊为令梵天界之惊异,犹如力士之伸屈腕、屈伸腕,没形于梵天界,现身于祇园。
- sleep with one's head resting on one's bent arm 曲肱而枕
- The arms are situated to right and left, and bend inwards: so that the convexities formed by bent arms and legs are practically face to face with one another in the case of man. 胳膊在左右两侧,向内弯曲:以至于对人来说弯曲的胳膊和腿构成的凸形实际是彼此对称的。
- "Confucius said:' With coarse rice to eat, with only water to drink, and my bended arm for a pillow, I am happy in the midst of these things. 我在第二十章说过,新儒家试图在名教中寻求乐地。寻求快乐,的确是新儒家声称的目标之一。
- The joint or bend of the arm between the forearm and the upper arm. 肘关节上臂与前臂之间的关节或胳膊弯曲处
- Talking About Using The Programme Teaching Method For The Training Of One- arm Handstand Technology Of The Top 浅谈如何用程序教学法训练技巧项目上面人的单臂倒立技术
- A bright red welt rose on his arm. 他的手臂上起了明显的条状红肿。
- Research on the mechanism of a series bending arms piezoelectric micromotor[J]. 引用该论文 佟建华;邵培革;王立鼎.
- He hold on to my arm with a tenacious grip. 他紧紧抓住我的手臂不放。
- I bent back too far and hurt my back muscles. 我后仰得太厉害,扭伤了腰部。
- All eyes were bent on the fancy car. 所有的眼神都注视那部新奇的车。
- The stream takes a sudden bend to the east. 小溪突然转向东流。
- She bent over backwards to show it. 她拚命把它显露出来。
- Joyce is bent on buying a new house. 乔伊斯一心想买一套新住房。
- I felt something crawling up my arm. 我感觉到有什么东西爬上我的手臂。
- Laura bent her head and hurried on. 劳拉低着头匆匆往前走。
- The falling slate sliced into his arm. 落下来的一块石片划破了他的手臂。
- Judy bent her face low over the notebook. 朱迪把脸凑近笔记本。