- Last fall, bee keepers from states with warm climate began to report a sudden loss of honey bees. 去年秋天,气候暖和的几个州里,开始有养蜂人报告说蜜蜂忽然失踪。
- Apiarist Co. Cheng Du Wai Yuan Bee Products Co., Ltd. 成都外源蜂蜂产品有限公司。
- The keeper of a royal forest or park. 皇家园林卫队保护皇家森林和公园的看守者
- The keeper or governor of a castle. 城堡守护人一个城堡的守护者或管理者
- The busy bee have no time for sorrow. 事情繁忙,无假忧伤。
- The lock keeper closed the lock gate. 船闸管理员关上了闸门。
- The zoo keeper is feeding the animals. 动物园饲养人在喂动物。
- The keeper is feeding the animals. 饲养员正在喂动物。
- An old poacher makes the best keeper. 惯偷成名捕,久病成良医。
- He has a bee in his bonnet about health foods. 他对于保健食品有他自己的一套奇怪的看法。
- My brother have a bee in his bonnet about modern art. 我弟弟对现代艺术有一套奇怪固执的念头。
- She will rather fool with a bee than being with a fool. 她情愿玩玩蜜蜂也不愿与愚人为伍。
- The keeper of the keys in a prison; a jailer. 监狱看守掌管监狱钥匙的人,狱卒
- bee keeper 养蜂家
- The inn keeper could bed all the new arrivals. 旅店老板能为所有新来的旅客提供住宿。
- Bee and wasp both sting, but they have other similarity, too. 蜜蜂和黄蜂都螫人,但它们还有其他相似之处。
- He was as busy as a bee trying to put the house in order. 他为了要把家里弄得整整齐齐,忙了好一阵子。
- Our teacher has a bee in his bonnet about punctuation. 我们的老师没完没了地琢磨著标点符号。
- A worker ant or bee that feeds and cares for the colony's young. 工蚁,工蜂喂养和照料共生蚁群或共生蜂群幼虫的工蚁或工蜂
- The keeper of a public house or tavern. 酒店或小酒馆的老板