- bed load deflecting sill 导沙底槛
- The experiment also verified the feasibility of triangular bed load deflecting slope, and provided a new sediment guiding equipment to pressure forebay under the special conditions. 验证了三角形导沙坡设计的可行性,为解决压力前池内特殊条件下的输排沙提供了一种新型导沙装置。
- Aggrading streams heavily charged with bed load may fill their channels nearly to the top of the banks. 带有大量推移质的堆积河流可以把河槽淤高到几乎与岸顶齐平。
- An estimation method of bed load transport rate based on the grain froude similarity is proposed. 运用沙粒佛汝德相似的原理,提出了推移质输沙率的推算公式。
- Bed load particles move spasmodically, perhaps at long intervals, and are at rest on the stream bed most of the time. 推移质颗粒多半作间歇运动,而大部分时间则停歇在河床上。
- In the stream with strong bed load movement there is no benthic macroinvertebrate. 河势散乱且河床运动剧烈的支流物种丰度和密度均很低甚至为零,生态条件差。
- The instantaneous sediment transportof suspended and bed load are computed, and the sediment transport rates are time-averaged over one wave period. 计算了波浪周期内各个时刻瞬时的悬移质和推移质泥沙输沙率,并对输沙率进行时间平均求得时间平均的输沙率。
- Based on the study of sediment transport under the actions of tidal currents and wind waves, a mathematical model of suspended load and bed load for Yangtze Estuary is developed. 摘要通过对长江口径流、潮流和波浪共同作用下的泥沙运动规律的研究,开发并建立了长江口全沙(悬沙和底沙)数学模型。
- By the measured data of "9711" Typhoon wave,the process of bed load resuspending under the effect of "9711" Typhoon wave around the channal of Yangkou Harbour is calculated. 利用“9711”台风浪实测资料,计算了洋口港航道所在海区在“9711”台风浪作用下床沙的悬浮上扬过程,得出洋口港航道不具备骤淤的可能性。
- In the meanwhile, the result also show that the section configuration and near watercourse characteristic has influenced gravel bed load transport rate. 河床断面形态及其相邻河道特性对输沙率也有较大的影响。
- The Yalin's bed load formula and Einstein's suspended load carring power formula have been used as a control to obtain sediment transport and sediment delivery ratio on the hillslope in the mountain watershed. 用Yalin推移质公式和Eim-stein悬移质挟沙能力公式作为控制,求出了坡面径流的输沙量和泥沙输移比。
- Hubbell,D.W.,Stevens,H.H.,Skinner,J.V.,and Beverage,J.P.,1987,Laboratory data on coarse-sediment transport for bed load sampler calibrations : U。S. Geological Survey Water-Supply paper 2299,31 P. 致谢:本课题为中美地表水水文科学合作协议附件四全沙输移项目课题。作者对美国拉斯维拉斯火山观测站和中国长江委水文局有关人员为各项试验给予的帮助表示衷心感谢!
- The river channel change, the bed load and bed material armoring, and the water level lowering after the operation of the Gezhouba project are analyzed based on the topographic and hydrologic data. 根据实测地形和水文泥沙资料,分析了葛洲坝枢纽运用后宜昌河段的河床冲淤变化、推移质和床沙的粗化以及枯水位的变化。
- In this paper,firstly,the formula for estimating the bed load transport rate in the bed of sand waves of prototype by model experiment based on the similarity of grain Froude number was inferred. 基于沙粒佛汝德数相似原理,首先推导出利用模型试验结果估算原型沙波河床上推移质输沙率的推算公式;然后塑造与原型较为一致的床面形态,利用模型试验对推算公式进行了验证。
- The brook warbled over its rocky bed. 小溪潺潺流过多石的河床。
- According to many model experiments experiences,different movability characteristics of bed load and suspended load in flow field of vortex sediment funnel are analysed in this paper. 通过模型试验和量纲分析,推导了处理推移质泥沙和悬移质泥沙的排沙漏斗的直径计算公式;
- The laser analyzer has already been applied widely in many fields, and it brought the better effect on sediment size analysis of suspended sediment and bed load of reservoir and riverbed. 摘要激光粒度仪已经在越来越多的领域得到广泛的应用,并且在水库、河道的悬移质和推移质泥沙颗粒粒度测量分析上发挥了很好的作用;
- Bind down the ropes around the load on the lorry. 把绕在卡车上货物外面的绳子扎紧。
- She will not shove the heavy load onto others. 她不愿意把重担推给别人。
- She rushed off to work leaving her bed unmade. 她匆忙去上班连床都没铺好。