- Some students are lazy, but others beat their brains out and succeed. 有的学生懒惰。但有的学生则苦思有成。
- Annie: The host country must have beaten their brains out. 安妮:这么看,东道国动脑筋了。
- Some students are lazy,but others beat their brains out and succeed. 有的学生懒惰。但有的学生则苦思有成。
- What I find particularly appropriate about this myth as it applies today is that, first, the Cyclops imprisons these men in darkness, and second, he beats their brains out before he devours them. 在我看来,这个神话之所以与如今的情况尤为相关,一是在于独眼巨人将这些人囚禁于黑暗之中,二是在于他在吞吃他们之前先砸烂他们的脑子。
- Some students are lazy, but others beat their brains and succeed. 有些学生很懒惰; 另一些则勤动脑筋,因而学有所成。
- beaten their brains out v. 绞脑汁(苦干)
- beat their brains out vt. 绞脑汁(苦干)
- Some students are lazy,but others beat their brains and succeed. 有些学生很懒惰;另一些则勤动脑筋,因而学有所成。
- The boys blew their brains out to get the stage ready for the play. 孩子们为了使那部戏上演十分卖力地布置舞台。
- They blew their brains out to get the stage ready for the play. 他们非常卖力地布置舞台以便为戏剧的上演做好准备。
- The scientists are beating their brains trying to come up with a solution to the problem. 科学家正绞尽脑汁,力求找到解决这个问题的办法。
- In order to cater for customers' mind , some emporium begin to beat their brains on the '8' of the prices. So, the prices showed as48, 68, 168 etc. 一些商场为了迎合顾客的心理,在商品的价格上,也开始动8的脑筋。所以,商品的价格就成了48元、68元、168元等等
- 4) What I find particularly appropriate about this myth as it applies today is that, first, the Cyclops imprisons these men in darkness, and second, he beats their brains out before he devours them. 在我看来,这个神话之所以与如今的情况尤为相关,一是在于独眼巨人将这些人囚禁于黑暗之中,二是在于他在吞吃他们之前先砸烂他们的脑子。
- Some marketplaces want to cater for the customers' mind are going to beat their brains about the price. So, the price of the products is becomimg 48,68,168 yuan and so on. 一些商场为了迎合顾客的心理,在商品的价格上,也开始动脑筋。所以,商品的价格就成了48元、68元、168元等等
- Most guys would rather suffer at home, wracked by fever, barfing their brains out, than consult a physician. 大多数男人感冒发烧、上吐下泻时宁愿呆在家里受罪也不愿去看医生。
- If I had caught that guy, I would have beaten his brains out. 要是当时我逮住了那家伙,准要砸烂他的狗头。
- I beat my brains out trying to think of a way of getting round the difficulty. 我绞尽脑汁,试图想出避开那一困难的办法。
- It was too hard for him and he beat his brains out trying to get the answer. 这个问题对他来说大深奥了,他绞尽脑汁想找出答案。
- She beat her brains out during the examination. 在考试中她绞尽脑汁
- "Some students are lazy, but others beat their brains and succeed." 有些学生很懒惰;另一些则勤动脑筋,因而学有所成。