- My heart beat hard, like hammers in my breast. 我的心跳得厉害,就像锤子在敲打着我的胸膛。
- beaten my breast v. 锤胸悲叹
- beat my breast vi. 锤胸悲叹
- I beat my brains out trying to think of a way of getting round the difficulty. 我绞尽脑汁,试图想出避开那一困难的办法。
- My breast is filled with emotion. 我心情激动。
- Well, this does beat my grandmother! 哎呀,这可真出我乎意料之外!
- Is my breast has a small nugget lacteal cancer? ? ? 我的乳房有一个小小的硬块是乳癌吗???
- I beat my nose against the doors this morning. 今早我的鼻子撞到门上了。
- I beat my brains out to rescue him. 为了救他,我伤透了脑筋。
- Doggone! Why did you beat my pet dog? 混蛋,你为什么打我的爱犬?
- I beat my Brains (out) to get a job. 为了找寻工作,我伤透了脑筋
- Doggone!Why did you beat my pet dog? 混蛋,你为什么打我的宠物狗?
- By giving me this burning torture to bear upon my breast! 他让我忍受这胸前灼烧的痛楚!
- Ah! Something has gone off my breast that was like to choke me. 呵!我算是舒了口气,这口气差点没把我憋死。
- Through all this sneering talk, I was made to feel the threat of death that overhung me, and my cheeks burned and my heart beat painfully in my breast. 我感觉在这番捉弄人的言语背后隐藏着随时致我于死地的威胁。我的两颊发热,心嘣嘣跳。
- The sound of his footfall knocks at my breast;itpains me! 他那声声脚步,叩击着我的胸膛;它击痛了我!
- Like a timorous bird you fly to my breast with eager love. 像一只羞怯的鸟,你满怀热爱地飞到我胸前。
- The sound of his footfall knocks at my breast;it pains me! 他的脚步声敲击着我的胸膛,使我痛苦不堪。
- If I beat my boss now,he will hold a grudge against me later. 如果我现在打击上司,以后他会怨恨我。
- The sound of his footfall knocks at my breast; it pains me! 他那声声脚步,叩击着我的胸膛;它击痛了我!