- I can bear record to his previous good character. 我能证明他以往品行端正。
- I can bear record to his previous good conduct. 我能证明他以往行为端正。
- The BBC often plays a record to fill in. 英国广播公司经常在节目空档时播放唱片。
- He set a new world record to Chelsea this year. 他今年在切尔西创造了一项新的世界纪录。
- I lend that record to John but never get it back. 我把那张唱片借给约翰了,可是他再也没有还给我。
- I lent that record to John but never got it back. 我把那张唱片借给约翰了,可是他再也没有还给我。
- Initializing an array or record to null. 初始化一个数组或记录为。
- DBR: Save Partition Boot Record to File. 保存分区引导信息到文件。
- Next round gave another record to Zhou Luxin. 下去的一轮周吕鑫又创造了一个记录。
- Heset a new world record to Chelsea this year. 他在昨天的0米比赛中创造了一项新的世界纪录。
- Emmons brought the Olympic record to 503.5 points. 由于不堪夺首金压力之重负,中国运动员杜丽以499.;6环的成绩屈居第5。
- Record to MP3, WMA, WAV, OGG and AAC. 记录到MP3 ,的WMA , wav , ogg和AAC 。
- For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one. 并且有圣灵作见证,因为圣灵就是真理。
- bear record to vt. 给 ... 作证(证实; 证明)
- It only took him a few moments riffling through the records to find the fight name. 他飞快地翻动着记录,一会儿就找到了那个名字。
- Demetrius hath good report of all men, and of the truth itself: yea, and we also bear record; and ye know that our record is true. 低米丢行善有众人给他作见证。又有真理给他作见证。就是我们也给他作见证。你也知道我们的见证是真的。
- Students be tape recorders to practice chant. 让学生扮演成录音机的角色;来练习韵文.
- Add a recording to a previously recorded message. 将录音添加到先前录制的讯息上。
- Add four or five records to the table. 向该表中添加四到五个记录。
- Upload the recording to a Think. Com web page. 将录音上载到Think.;com网页上。