- beach land of Yangtze River 长江滩地
- I live at the resource of Yangtze river. 我住长江头
- Power Division of Yangtze River Bench Co. 长江机床公司设备动力处。
- The billowing east of Yangtze River dies the water. 滚滚长江东逝水。
- You'd better go to enjoy the scenery of Yangtze River. 你最好欣赏一下长江的景色。
- The real integration of Yangtze River Delta is not founded. 因此,长江三角洲并未实现真正的市场一体化。
- I live the head of Yangtze River, you live the tail of it. 我住长江头,君住长江尾。
- There are vast non-consolidated alluvia deposits freshly formed in estuary area of Yangtze River and nearby coastal area.The deposits contribute to land subsidence. 摘要长江河口滨海地区广泛分布有大量的冲填土,由于其形成时间短,具有欠固结特性,因此对地面沉降影响较大。
- There are many studies related to the area of Yangtze River basin, but little research which is focused on the NPS pollution caused by land use/cover change. 虽然针对长江流域的研究很多,但土地利用/覆盖变化对长江流域水质的非点源污染却一直没有引起人们的足够重视。
- Study of Eco-Physiological Factors Affecting Poplar Tree Photosynthesis on the Yangtze River Beach Land 影响滩地杨树净光合速率的生理生态因子研究
- A Study on the Ecophysiological Characteristic of Photosynthesis for Poplar Tree on Beach Land along the Yangtze River 滩地杨树光合作用生理生态的研究
- We should make full use of the Mous of beach land. 我们应该充分利用好这几亩沙田。
- Non-linear characteristics of precipitation and runoff in sub-alpine of the upper reaches of Yangtze River. 长江上游亚高山降水与径流时间序列的非线性特征。
- And the severe chilling damages appear most frequently in southern part of the south of Yangtze River valley. 严重低温冷害最为频繁的地区是江南南部。
- There is no longer the land of milk and honey. 不再有富饶的乐土。
- Wusong which was the meetingplace of Yangtze River and HuangPu River was located at Wusongkou. 它跨越蕰藻浜,地处长江与黄浦江的交汇处的吴淞口,是进入上海的“咽喉”,被誉为军事重镇。
- Desertification of various degrees have been happening in the source region of Yangtze River. 长江源区存在不同程度的沙化现象,沙地种类多样,分布广泛。
- Many Mexicans regard the United States as a land of milk and honey. 许多墨西哥人把美国看成是一片乐土。
- It is on the upper reaches of Yangtze River with a population of 31 million and 82,400 km2. 地处长江上游,人口3100万,面积82,400平方公里,历史悠久。
- Comprehensive control strategies for locust disaster in beach land of Xiao Langdi reservoir along the Yellow River 黄河小浪底水库滩地蝗灾综合防治对策