- John was submerged in making the ship model. 约翰专心致志地造轮船模型。
- My mind was submerged in terror. 我的心已淹没在恐怖之中。
- The whole village was submerged in the flood. 整个村庄被洪水浸没。
- The main argument was submerged in a mass of tedious detail. 大量单调乏味的细节掩盖了主要论点.
- Doubts that had been submerged in her mind suddenly resurfaced. 她心里早已湮灭的疑团突然又浮现出来。
- The girl was submerged in the shallow end of the pool. 女孩泡在水池的浅水区一端。
- Two thirds of the country have been submerged in flood water. 这个国家三分之二的地区都已被洪水淹没。
- Because this is life. Whether you willing or not, we will be submerged in the river of time. 因为,这就是生活。不管你愿不愿意,我们都将会被淹没在时间的河流。
- All his life was submerged in the liberation of the people. 他的一生全部献身于人民的解放事业。
- She was taken to hospital after being submerged in an icy river for 45 minutes. 她在冰冷的河水中淹了45分钟才被送往医院。
- The cool products are submerged in the solution,which removes the oxide film. 将冷却后的钢材浸入溶液中可除去氧化膜。
- He was submerged in reading an exciting book,and didn't hear the doorbell ring. 他沉浸在一本令人兴奋的书中,没听见门铃响。
- be submerged in submerge prep. 浸于(潜入 ... 中)
- The cool products are submerged in the solution, which removes the oxide film . 将冷却后的钢材浸入溶液中可除去氧化膜。
- I was submerged in reading an exciting book,and didn't hear the doorbell ring. 我正在全神贯注地看一本极有趣的书,没听见门铃响。
- The cool products are submerged in the solution, which removes the oxide film. 将冷却后的钢材浸入溶液中可除去氧化膜。
- Once he was submerged in his experiment,there is no way to persuade him to sleep. 他一旦全神贯注于实验,不可能劝他去睡觉。
- He was submerged in reading an exciting book, and didn't hear the doorbell ring. 他沉浸在一本令人兴奋的书中,没听见门铃响。
- Although the water levels on the middle reaches begun to recede, new dangers might occur as the dikes had long been submerged in water. 来自国家防旱抗洪指挥中心的消息说,在河流主流堤坝和洪水泛滥区域,共出现了214处险情。但是,所有的险情都得到了有效的控制。
- The Navy says it does not know what the attack submarine hit while it was submerged in the eastern Marianas Basin, some 560 kilometers south of Guam. 美国海军说,目前还不清楚这艘攻击潜艇在关岛以南560公里处的马里亚纳海盆东部潜航时撞到了什么物体。