- It shall not be necessary to have two alarm clocks. 要两个闹钟不是必要的。
- It may be necessary to amputate his foot. 切除他的脚是必要的。
- It may be necessary to buy a new one. 也许有必要买个新的了。
- It may not be necessary to resort to force. 也许没有必要诉诸于暴力。
- It may not be necessary to you, but it is to me. 也许对你来说没有必要,但是对我来说很有必要。
- It would be necessary to find a new job after that. 这之后我必须去找份新的工作。
- Docking would be necessary to land men on the moon. 飞船的停泊可以实现人类登陆月球的梦想。
- Talent and education are necessary to make good in certain fields. 从某种意义上讲,才干与教育为成功之要素。
- It's no use calling down the wrath of God on the heads of your enemies; something more will be necessary to defeat them. 只是祈求上天惩罚敌人是没有用的,要打败敌人一定得采取其他必要手段。
- I think you should not be necessary to treat her reservedly. 我认为你没有必要对她那么客气.
- Light and water are necessary to plants. 光和水封植物是必要的。
- It was necessary to keep this fiction alive. 必须让这个美丽的谎言保持下去。
- These reference books are necessary to us. 这些参考书是我们所必需的。
- Further studies are necessary to (evaluate)... 有必要进一步研究,以(评价)...
- Air,food and drink are necessary to support life. 空气,食物和水是维持生命所必需的。
- Repairs are necessary to strengthen the bridge. 这座桥需要加固。
- It was necessary to move speedily. 行动必须迅速。
- She had said what it was necessary to say. 她已经说了一切有必要说的话。
- Survival skills are necessary to everyone. 生存能力对每个人都非常重要。
- It will be necessary to go into the country for a rest cure. 有必要的到乡下去静养一下。