- The two opposing armies are locked in battle. 两军厮杀,难解难分。
- The two animals were locked in a fight. 这两头野兽打得难分难解。
- At 9 pm the prisoners are locked in for the night. 晚9时把犯人锁进牢房过夜。
- His sorrows were locked in his own bosom. 他把满腹悲伤埋在心里。
- A value type cannot be locked in this fashion. 不能用这种方式锁定值类型。
- Broken budda will be locked in a room like jail. 坏掉或段头的佛像就被丢到像是监狱的小房间。
- The two lovers were locked in a clinch. 恋人紧紧相拥。
- They were locked in a verbal duel. 他们在进行舌战。
- The prisoner was locked in a cell. 那囚犯被关在单人牢房内。
- The two of them are locked in a titanic struggle for control of the company. 他们俩为争夺对公司的控制权打得不可开交。
- The parents were locked in a bitter battle for custody. 双亲陷入了一场对孩子监护权的激烈争夺之中。
- The poor girl has been locked in all day . 那个可怜的女孩子整天被锁在房内。
- Eden and Hull are locked in lengthy discussions. 艾登和赫尔正陷于漫长讨论之中。
- The two dogs were locked in combat. 两只狗打架时纠缠在一起
- They were locked in a passionate embrace. 他们热烈地拥抱在一起。
- The electrons are locked in the filled band. 电子被囚禁在满带中。
- The ship was locked in the ice through winter. 这艘船整个冬天都陷在冰里动。
- Nothing but being locked in a gym. 除了被锁在体育馆里没别的了。
- The secret was locked in her heart. 她将这秘密深藏心里。
- In Munich, meanwhile, the conservative government of Bavaria is locked in battle with the centre-left dominated city hall over the plan for a new mosque. 同时,在慕尼黑,巴伐利亚保守派政府正就修建一座新的清真寺的计划顽强地同中左派执掌的市政厅进行斗争。