- Large squads are less likely to rout. 人数较多的方阵更不容易士气崩溃。
- This year it was revealed that they were less likely to land jobs. 今年据显示他们更难找到工作。
- Those who expect the worst are less likely to be disappointed. 把事情想得坏的人,不容易失望。
- Mane Comb: I recommend plastic, you will be less likely to break the hairs. 鬃毛梳子:如同人用的单齿梳子,较短,有金属和塑料材质,塑料较轻柔更保护马毛。
- Over time, your team may be less likely to need an older minor version. 随着时间的推移,工作组需要更旧的次要版本的可能性越来越小。
- And that are less likely to be attacked by pests and diseases. 以及那些不易受病虫害影响的。
- New schools are less likely to be named after people. 新学校很少用人物名字命名了。
- Once you clearly understand this, you will be less likely to feel affronted by others, even if they revile you. 一旦你清楚了解这点,你将较少感受到别人的侮辱,即使他们恶言相向也一样。
- Old buildings are less likely to be in good condition than are new ones. 旧建筑物不太可能比新的良好。
- What would you be LEAST likely to order at a tavern? 在客栈你最不喜欢要的是什么?
- Referee's are less likely to give free-kicks for niggly fouls. 裁判对小动作犯规的判罚变松。
- With your eyes open, you are less likely to fall asleep. 第一,把眼睛张开,比较不会昏沉想睡。
- Aspirin thins the blood, so clots are less likely to form. 阿司匹林能减少血流,因而血液凝块形成的可能性大大降低。
- Scrumpy type ciders are less likely to have been fined. Scrumpy类型ciders不太可能被罚款。
- Infants who grow up with cats or dogs may be less likely to suffer from allergies and asthma later in life. 成长期间有猫狗陪伴的婴儿,长大后可能比较不会有过敏症或气喘的毛
- So make sure you're reaching your goals and maintaining close friendships. You'll be less likely to burn out. 所以,一定要在向着目标前进的同时拥有亲密的友谊。那么你将不容易感到疲乏。
- "As such they're going to be less likely to have to snoop through a partner's things to try to find indiscretions. 另外,调查发现,随着年龄的增长,人们越来越会觉得其实“知己”并不只有一个。
- Nixon was less likely to brush off the bearer of unwelcome intelligence. 尼克松不大可能对他的逆耳之言置之不理。
- If people read that a show is tanking, they are less likely to tune in. 如果人们读到节目的收视在下降,就会缺乏兴趣来关注。
- Those with that part of the brain intact were less likely to hurt others. 那些大脑此部分完整的人不太可能伤害其他人。