- I refuse to be dictated to by you. 我不愿被你呼来唤去的。
- I have seen through you and won't be dictated to any more. 我看穿你了,在也不愿听任你指挥了。
- No one shall dictate to me.=I won't be dictated to. 没有人可以指挥我; 我不受人指挥。
- These workmen refused to be dictated to. 这些工人们拒受命令。
- She refused to be dictated to by anyone. 她不愿受任何人摆布。
- She won't allow herself to be dictated to. 她不会听人摆布的。
- These workmen refused to be dictated to . 这些工人们拒受命令。
- I will not be dictated to, I will not be threatened. 我不会受制于命令和胁迫。
- No person of a strong character likes to be dictated to. 没有一个个性强的人愿受人使唤。
- The teacher was dictating to the class. 教师正在给班上的学生做听写。
- I wanted to have my own artistic input into it and not be dictated to. 我想体现自己的艺术观点而不想惟命是从。
- I will not be dictated to. 我不愿受人摆布。
- He refused to be dictated to. 他拒绝听命于他人。
- As to being dictated to by you, or any Jack, Jem, or Jonathan on earth, I shall not suffer it for a moment. 如果让你或者世间任何张三李四来指挥我的话,我是一刻也容忍不下去的。
- Every action, every word, was dictated to a great extent by his desire to make a good impression. 那种想要给人一个好印象的心理就会在很大程度上影响到他的每一个动作,每一句话。
- Every action, every word, was dictated to a great extent by his desire to make a good impression . 那种想要给人一个好印象的心理就会在很大程度上影响到他的每一个动作,每一句话。
- I refuse to be dictated to. 我拒受命令。
- I don't like to be dictated to. 我不愿受人摆布。
- Using hindsight and evaluating the course of the Controversy, we realise how heroic Spurgeon was, how he was guided by wisdom from above rather than being dictated to by worldly philosophy. 事后看,衡量这场争议的发展,我们意识到司布真是何等如英雄般勇敢,他是何等接受从上头而来的智慧的引导,而不是被世界的哲学所左右。
- The teacher dictated to the whole class. 老师给全班同学作了听写。