- Be up to one's neck in work Husband is up to his neck in work for the coming new year. 新年临近了。先生忙得不可开交。
- Robert has been up to his old tricks; he was courting two different girls at once until one of them found out and told the other one. 罗伯特惯用的伎俩是同时向两个姑娘求爱,直到其中一位发觉了并告诉了别一位。
- be up to one's old tricks; play the same old trick 故伎重演
- It can be hard to live up to one's reputaion. 行为与名誉相符是很难的。
- The little girl ran a temperature and had to be up to bed. 那个小女孩发烧了,得让她上床躺着。
- The thief was up to his old tricks. 小偷故伎重演。
- be up to one's old tricks again; play the same old trick 故伎重演
- She knew the children were up to mischief. 她知道孩子们在做淘气的事情。
- Standard (conventional) port balls are up to one pipe size smaller than nominal pipe size, but still have significantly better flow than globe valves. 标准(常规)流道球阀用于管道直径比管道公称通径小的管道,但是其流通能力仍然比截止阀好得多。
- I didn't think her performance was up to par. 我认为她表现得不及平时。
- I can not go to the movie--I am up to my eyebrow. 我不能去看电影,我很忙很忙。
- Where's that naughty child now? I'm sure he'll be up to no good wherever he is. 那调皮孩子哪儿去了? 我看,他到哪儿也做不出好事来。
- It would hardly be up to that crocodile standard. 它恐怕很难符合那个假善人的标准。
- They cannot deceive me,for I am up to all their tricks. 他们欺骗不了我,因为我了解他们的一切诡计。
- Even as a young man he was up to his neck in crime. 他年轻时即已恶贯满盈。
- The water came up to one's waist. 水深及腰。
- He was up to his neck in debts then. 他当时负债累累。
- He was up to the neck in debts then. 他当时负债累累。
- It is difficult to live up to one's ideals. 达到自己理想的标准是不容易的.
- He has been up to his eyes in work recently. 他近来工作极忙。