- Any nation that interferes in the internal affairs of another nation should be universally condemned. 任何干涉他国内政的国家都应受到全世界的谴责。
- We shouldn't forgive those who are universally condemned. 我们不能原谅那些千夫所指的罪人。
- These various rules are scattered throughout China's bureaucracy, and are universally condemned as toothless and lacking clarity. 这些不同的法规章程遍布于中国的各个政府机构,被普遍谴责缺乏执行效果和清晰度。
- Why is it, in spite of the fact that teaching by pouring in, learning by a passive absorption, are universally condemned, that they are still so entrenched in practice? 尽管灌输式的教学和被动吸收式的学习普遍受到人们的谴责,但是为什么它们在实践中仍旧那么根深蒂固?
- A civil strife is universally condemned as a crime. 内乱普遍被谴责为一种罪行。
- We believe these principles to be universally true. 我们相信这些原则是放之四海而皆准的。
- They believed these principles to be universally true. 他们认为这些原则是普遍适用的。
- Her woven goods were universally famous. 它的纺织品是世界闻名的。
- The new teacher was universally disliked. 大家都不喜欢新来的老师。
- The condition of being universal; universality. 普遍特征作为普遍的条件; 普遍性
- Prof Wu Jingming of China Politics and Law University condemned Toshiba's handling of the matter as "flagrant discrimination". 政法大学副教授吴景明指责日本带有“明显的歧视色彩”。
- So paying taxes seems to be universal around the world. 看来不论哪个国家都是交税。
- His rare gifts and bold strategy are universally acknowledged. 他的雄才大略是举世公认的。
- When was universal suffrage introduced in your country? 贵国是什么时候实行普选权的?
- He was universally feared because of his many nefarious deeds. 因为他干了许多罪恶的勾当, 所以人人都惧怕他。
- Silk being universally heart, reticulocyte Wuzhou situation. 丝牵四海心,网织五洲情。
- There are few, if any, laws of software that can be universally applied. 软件领域没有能够普遍适用的法则。
- If we had a real pedigree, a genealogical classification would be universally preferred. 我们如果有一个真实的宗谱,则依世系的分类法必被普遍采用。
- The Renaissance artists were universal men. 文艺复兴时期的艺术家们是无所不知的。
- Their proposal met with almost universal condemnation. 他们的提议遭到了几乎所有人的反对.