- Young woman student was lovelorn, may throw a thing, cry be troubled by, as if whole world was destroyed, be overwhelmed with sorrow. 小女生失恋了,可能会扔东西,并哭闹,仿佛整个世界都毁灭了,痛不欲生。
- Heavy can behave Bei to deep sorrow extremely, lament to heaven and knock one's head on earth, be overwhelmed with sorrow or dumbstruck, state of mind is absentminded. 重的可表现悲恸欲绝,呼天抢地,痛不欲生或呆若木鸡,神思恍惚。
- In addition, pupil deflection upper part, seem to blame the below 3 supercilious look of the eye, or make leer the female also can make a man be overwhelmed with sorrow or joy. 此外,瞳偏向上方,好象怪眼的下三白眼,或使媚眼儿的女性也会令男人销魂。
- I was overwhelmed with a sense of strangeness. 我心中充满了一种陌生感。
- Poor worm, I thought, it must be overwhelmed with depression. 这时,一阵风吹来,树枝摇晃了一下,小青虫被晃落在地。
- My soul is overwhelmed with sorrow to the point of death,"he said to them."Stay here and keep watch. 对他们说:“我心里甚是忧伤,几乎要死;你们在这里等候,警醒。
- Then he said to them, "My soul is overwhelmed with sorrow to the point of death. Stay here and keep watch with me. 便对他们说:“我心里甚是忧伤,几乎要死;你们在这里等候,和我一同警醒。
- He was overwhelmed with grief [joy]. 他不胜悲伤 [欢喜] 。
- He was overwhelmed with gratitude. 他不胜感激。
- He was overwhelmed with excitement. 他极为兴奋。
- We were overwhelmed with admiration for the superb performance. 精彩的表演令人拍案叫绝。
- I was overwhelmed with gratitude. You brought sunlight to my life. 我充满了感激,你给我的生活带来了阳光。
- Instead, the hospital was overwhelmed with civilians. 然而,医院的平民已人满为患。
- Overwhelmed with sorrow, they did not recall His words foretelling this very scene. 他们因过度悲哀,竟忘记了主所预先告诉他们有关当前情景的话。
- Without knowing why, Stan was overwhelmed with an intense sense of fear. 不知道是什么原因,斯坦被一种恐惧感笼罩着。
- They are overwhelmed with splendor of all that is immaculate and inaccessible. 而人们却总要拿那一切莹洁无瑕、高不可攀的贞操来对她们求全责备。
- The girl was overwhelmed with emotion and couldn't speak for a moment. 这女孩非常激动,一时说不出话来。
- After visiting them, I was overwhelmed with sense of untold powerlessness. 进入画面之后,我也感到有一点无力。
- If you are overwhelmed with debt, contact a credit-counseling agency. 如果你债务缠身,就去联系一家信用咨询机构。
- As soon as all the people saw Jesus, they were overwhelmed with wonder and ran to greet him. 众人一见耶稣,都甚希奇,就跑上去问他的安。