- There would be some very bad days ahead. 今后几天将会是非常艰难的。
- On bad days I even felt suicidal. 赶上不顺的日子,我都觉得不想活了。
- There were bad days,but by and large it was a pleasant summer. 今夏虽有时气候恶劣,但大体说来还是个令人愉快的季节。
- There will be bad days for us,but we can have good days,too. 等待我们的将是艰苦的日子,但是也会有好日子。
- On her bad days she'd accuse us all of stealing her things. 碰到她情绪极坏的时候,她甚至还会控告我们,说我们都偷了她的东西。
- There were bad days, but it was a pleasant summer, by and large. 虽然天有些天天气不好,但总的来说还是一个愉快的夏天。
- There were bad days, but by and large it was a pleasant summer. 今夏虽有时气候恶劣,但大体说来还是个令人愉快的季节。
- There will be bad days for us, but we can have good days, too. 等待我们的将是艰苦的日子,但是也会有好日子。
- I have come to accept that all of us will have good days and bad days. 我得承认,我们都会有心情好的时候和心情不好的时候。
- On bad days, they will bring deception, disappearances, and gullibility. 而在不利的时候,他们会带来诡计,骗局,失望,和罪恶。
- I shouldn't go in and see him now if I were you. He's having one of his bad days, swearing at everything and everyone. 如果我是你,我现在就不会进去找他。他这会儿心情不好,见谁骂谁,看什么都不顺眼。
- It was one of the worst days of smog in the city's history. 这是这个城市有史以来最糟糕的一个烟雾迷漫的日子。
- I shouldn't go in and see him now if I were you. He's having one of his bad days,swearing at everything and everyone. 如果我是你,我现在就不会进去找他。他这会儿心情不好,见谁骂谁,看什么都不顺眼。
- Garry helped my though bad days, giving me lots of hugs and listening to my problems. 这也是在我的个人生活中应当极力去做的事情。
- His courage and good humour has seen him through worse days than these. 他的勇气和良好的幽默感,使他渡过了比这更艰苦的日子。
- "Wall Street has good days and bad days," said Heather Tierney at her Wall Street Burger Shoppe. 保险经纪人亚当&%238226;德威特说:“这是我近两年花的最值的50美元。”
- Garry helped me through bad days, giving me lots of hugs and listening to my problems. 这也是在我的个人生活中极力去做的事情。
- He spends his good days creating virtual universes on his computer and his bad days writhing in bed. 情况好的日子里,他在电脑上构建着自己的虚拟宇宙;糟糕的日子里,他在床上翻滚着忍受痛苦。
- There are now a lot of purple S to sell weapons, the price is really bad days to do, from a few of the 1-100000 have. 现在市面上有很多S紫武器卖,价格真是天差地别,从几十万到10亿的都有。
- Roughness of the skin can be caused by bad diet. 饮食不好可能引起皮肤粗糙。