- 受某事物影响而产生的好的、 不好的、 奇怪的...情绪. get good, bad, weird, etc vibes from sth
- 风俗 custom
- 不好的 bad
- 坏的风俗应当废除。 Bad customs should be abolished.
- 这是一种很不好的倾向,是办好学校的主要障碍,应该纠正。 This is an unhealthy tendency which represents the chief obstacle to successful management of schools and must be overcome.
- 风俗习惯 folkways
- 异教社会的风俗 heathen customs
- 这个例子突显了管理不好的后果。 This example underlines the consequences of bad management.
- 她从不浪费一分钟,即使是在身体不好的时候也是这样。 She never potters away a minute, not even when she is unwell.
- 许多旧的风俗已不复存在。 Many old customs have died out.
- 坏天气是收成不好的原因。 Bad weather is responsible for the poor crop.
- 地方风俗地方的风俗或独特性 A local custom or peculiarity.
- 埃里克是一个很不好的人,所以每个人都对他施以厌恶的目光。 Eric is very unkind, so everybody gives him dirty looks.
- 这个可厌的风俗违反人性。 This detestable custom satirizes humanity.
- 运气不好的人 a luckless man
- 外国的风俗 alien customs
- 《创世纪》里面有一段话说“男人鳏居是不好的”,但有时那是一种大大的欣慰。 In Genesis it says that it is not good for a man to be alone, but sometimes it is a great relief.
- 我感到不挨次序排队是不好的。 I don't think it's good to jump the queue.
- 同化,少数人群体逐渐接受盛行的文化的风俗和态度的过程 the process whereby a minority group gradually adopts the customs and attitudes of the prevailing culture
- 脾气坏的性情上心胸狭窄的、不随和的且顽固的:脾气不好的 Mean-spirited, disagreeable, and contrary in disposition; cantankerous.