- Bedroom door from the back wash Panjiayuan old clothes market, behind the doors off, but will allow people to imagine building scenery. 卧室的门是从潘家园旧货市场淘回来的,两扇对开的门,让人们禁不住会去想象门内的风景。
- The doctor did not get angry, just say meaningfully: "Such, you go back wash a hot bath, it is next outdoor ambulate two hours, but scarcely should wear the dress. 医生没生气,只是意味深长地说:“这样吧,你回去洗一次热水澡,然后在室外走动两个小时,但一定不要穿衣服。”
- A novel back wash natural gas filter 新型可反洗再生天然气过滤分离器
- The nurse turned the old man over to wash his back. 护士给老人翻个身擦洗後背。
- But the back washing and regeneration of the fiber filter was imperfect, the application was not extensive. 为提高纤维的吸水性,以利于其再生,选取3种改性试剂进行纤维表面改性。
- When does the wash come back from the laundry? 送到洗衣店的衣服什麽时候取回来?
- The oil field waste water automatic treatment system comprises automatic dosing, automatic blow-down and automatic back washing. 油田污水处理自控系统主要包括自动加药、自动排污、自动反冲洗三部分。
- Rose bushes shoot again after being cut back. 玫瑰丛修剪後还能再长出新枝。
- By atmospheric aromatization the contents of cyclanes and alkenes in the back washing liquid decreased and the content of target product (aromatics) increased significantly. 芳烃抽提返洗液常压芳构化可同时降低返洗液中的烯烃和环烷烃含量,增加目标产物芳烃含量。
- He trudge three hour in the snow to get back home. 他在雪中跋涉三个钟点才回到家。
- The crowd fell back to let the players through. 人群后退让运动员们通过。
- Do exercise every day and you'll be back in condition. 每天锻炼锻炼,你很快会恢复健康的。
- The ship beat back against a monsoon. 船逆着季风艰难地行驶。
- The nurse turn the old man over to wash his back. 护士给老人翻个身擦洗後背。
- I flap the flies away but soon they fly back. 我把苍蝇赶走,但一会儿又飞回来了。
- I never lend books; you never get them back. 我的书决不外借,因为总是有去无回。
- She leaned her head back and whispered the news. 她向后仰着头,小声说出了这个消息。
- The talks have been put back to Friday morning. 谈判推迟到星期五早上进行。
- He hated to tuck his tail and back down now. 他讨厌此时夹着尾巴退回来。
- After a long coma the sick man slowly came back. 昏睡了好久以后,那个病人慢慢地恢复了活力。