- But the hunter does not have the sign that sees axman, left. 可是猎人没有看到樵夫的手势,就离开了。
- It describes a idyllic conversation between a fisherman and an axman. 此曲表现了渔人和樵夫在清山绿水之间自得其乐的谈话。
- Even though they are home to spirits, great trees are no match for the axman. 老树即使有神,也抵不过人类刀斧的厉害。
- Be informed from inside axman mouth, its wife Shige of the accused old lady ascends cloud grab. 从樵夫口中得知,其妻被告老太师葛登云抢去。
- Here we see a room that has been attacked by a mad axeman or a wild monster - gouges in the walls are witness to the violence that has destroyed the house. 在这里,我们看到一个遭到疯狂埃及斧兵或野生怪物攻击的房间,泥中的墙壁上的挖痕可以看得出破坏房子的暴力行径。
- Before long, the hunter is chased after, ask axman sees a fox is passed?Axman although say to do not have,see already, the hand points to the place that the fox hides however. 不久,猎人追到,问樵夫有没有看到一只狐貍经过?樵夫既虽然说没有看到,手却指向狐貍躲藏的地方。
- And then the axman cometh? |之后斧头男就出现了?
- 9 see joke: A fox is chased by the hunter, it sees axman, rapidly to his ask for help. 9看笑话: 一只狐貍被猎人追赶,它看到樵夫,赶紧向他求救。
- ;pictures by Lois Axeman. 作者声明: Burton Albert; Jr.
- axeman n. 用斧者
- axman n. 用斧者;樵夫