- The East Pacific Rise, west of South America, has a high separation rate but no axial rift. 南美西部东太平洋洋隆具有高的分离速率,但是没有轴部裂谷。
- A deep rift had started in their family life. 他们的家庭生活出现了深深的裂痕。
- axial rift n. 轴向断裂
- We are descending into the Galapagos Rift Valley. 我们现在朝向加拉巴戈斯裂谷沉下。
- This rift became wider through a quarrel. 一次争吵更加加深了这个裂痕。
- A rift opened between Lloyd George and Poincare. 劳合·乔治与彭加勒的分歧公开了。
- Angular momentum is an axial vector quantity. 角动量是一种轴矢量。
- My father and I didn't discuss our rift directly. 我和父亲没有直接讨论我们的隔阂。
- The rift within the party deepens. 党派内部的分歧在加深。
- Rift zones are elongated troughs bounded by faults. 断裂带是以断层为边界的狭长凹槽。
- Does the Panzhihua-Xichang Rift Exist? 攀西裂谷存在吗?
- Asymmetrical at the axial ends.Used of a crystal. 异极的轴线终端不对称的。用于晶体
- The sun appeared through a rift in the clouds. 太阳从云层间隙中冒出来。
- The direction of the earth's axial rotation. 地球自转的方向。
- However, there are two possible axial directions. 不过,沿着轴线也还有两种可能的方向。
- There was once a rift between them. 他们之间一度有过裂痕。
- CC - larger than Normal axial clearance. CC轴向游隙大于普通组。
- The rift of affections is not easy to make up. 感情上的裂痕是不容易弥合的。
- In plate tectonics, a failed rift arm. 在板块构造学中,为一夭折的裂谷臂。
- Retrofit of axial seal of lye recycle pumps. 碱液循环泵轴封改造