- Learning to ski has always been an ambition of his. 他一直渴望滑雪。
- An object of such desire; an ambition. 渴望达到的目标;雄心
- awaken an ambition 唤起野心
- Belong to you , the good child with an ambition outstandingly . 优秀属于你,有志气的好孩子。
- To get his colours" is an ambition which every boy should look forward to. 入选运动队,是每一个青少年应有的抱负。
- Awaken Abomination I Awakens an abomination to serve your needs. 召唤一个憎恨作为你的宠物。
- "To get his colours" is an ambition which every boy should look forward to. 入选运动队,是每一个青少年应有的抱负。
- Ajax striker Klaas-Jan Huntelaar has admitted an ambition to play in Italy. 阿贾克斯前锋亨特拉尔已经承认他渴望到意大利踢球.
- The proposal we make to international democracy for a just and immediate peace will everywhere awaken an ardent response among the international proletarian masses. 我们向国际民主提出了立即实现公正和平的建议。 这条建议会在国际无产阶级大众中处处唤起热烈反应。
- Water always flows from a higher to a lower level, but everybody has an ambition to rise higher up in society. 水向低处流, 人往高处走。
- And there was an ambition in him which responded to that, an ambition he distrusted. 他内心也不是没有奢望,看到这种前途也不是没有动过心,不过对这种奢望总有些不以为然。
- A rider to the act sketched out an ambition to complement the single market with a single currency. 该法案的附文草拟了成立一个单一货币来补充单一市场的目标。
- His shout died away in the mist, without even awakening an echo. 他的呼声在暮霭中消失,连回响也没有了。
- Whether it is an ambition which forms our shared memory or merely an air-castle illusion? 它究竟是通过智性努力可以形成我们共同记忆的理想,抑或仅仅是一个空中楼阁式的幻象?
- In Changhai holiday tours, nothing is a compromise. Because excellence is a rule, not just an ambition. 参加“长海假期”旅游,完美不再是追求,因为我们已经为您做到。
- There was often some crawling sneak with an ambition to become a coddy who would not scruple to curry favour with Misery by reporting the crime. 有些野心勃勃想争副工头位置的卑鄙小人,为了巴结瘟神会昧着良心告密。
- In fact Nets already planned well must tear down the third child giant, an ambition waited to reorganize new three strange. 实际上网队早就计划好了要拆掉老三巨头,一颗野心就等着来重组新三头怪。
- Modigliani has said that:”The artist is an ambit got the spirit sublimation from paied out the most immolation in plenary life and suffered from anxiety”. 莫迪里阿尼曾说:“艺术是在充实的生活中付出的最大牺牲,忍受愁苦之后获得的精神升华所达到的境界。”
- Currently on-loan at Benfica, Miccoli has been linked with Palermo and Sampdoria, while he has expressed an ambition to play for Lecce. 现租借于本非卡的米科利最近和巴勒莫、桑普多利亚联系到了一起,但是他表示希望加盟莱切。
- I gave him money as an inducement to leave. 我给他钱,诱使他离去。