- They found that one of the genes produces an enzyme that speeds up production of a plant growth hormone called Auxin when the plant is shaded. 这些基因中的一种分泌出一种名叫茁长素的酶,它可以使植物在荫凉状态下荷尔蒙迅速增加。
- Researchers at Purdue University found that the mutation shuts down production of a sugary protein that controls the flow of auxin, a plant growth hormone. 美国普渡大学的研究人员发现,该项突变关闭了某个醣蛋白的制造,而该蛋白的作用是控制植物生长激素的传送。
- Ethylene is a growth hormone in plants. 乙烯是植物中一种生长荷尔蒙。
- Growth and growth hormone treatment-Anything new? 生长与生长激素治疗还有新进展吗?
- Human growth hormone is a prescription medication. 人类生长荷尔蒙是处方用药。
- Human Growth Hormone Use Rises Legal? 人体生长激素使用上升合法吗?
- You should spread some growth hormone on the crops. 你应该给这些庄稼施一些生长素。
- Goat growth hormone releasing hormone,GHRH ... 羊促生长激素释放激素(GHRH)试剂盒;
- GHR 15 is an all-natural growth hormone releaser. 生长激素受体15日是一个全天然的生长激素释放。
- Human growth hormone releasing hormone,GHRH... 人促生长激素释放激素(GHRH)试剂盒;
- Pituitary dwarfism is caused by insufficient growth hormone. 脑下垂体性侏儒因生长激素分泌不足引起
- In addition, growth hormone can attach to binding proteins. 另外,生长激素可以粘附结合蛋白质。
- Ghrelin is polypeptide resulting in releasing of growth hormone. 生长激素释放肽是一种引起生长激素释放的多肽。
- Growth hormone begin to secrete around 11 o'clock in the evening. 生长激素在晚上11点钟开始分泌。
- Growth hormone speeds recovery, rebuilds muscles, and breaks down body fat. 生长激素能加度恢复,再造肌肉,并且破坏身体脂肪。
- Thyroxine and cortison may play role in the ontogenesis of growth hormone. 皮质醇、甲状腺素在生长激素的个体发生中起一定作用。
- The reason may involve growth hormones fed to cows. 原因可能与给奶牛用生长激素有关。
- "I did not use steroids or human growth hormone, and I've never done so. "我没有使用过类固醇或是人类生长激素,从来没有用过。
- "Growth hormone is very beneficial to the immune system," according to the team. 而生长激素正是对免疫系统有着极大促进作用的一种荷尔蒙。
- This occurs as the Human Growth Hormone (HGH) ceases to be produced by the pituitary gland in the brain. 这是因为人类生长荷尔蒙(HGH)停止由大脑中的垂体腺分泌时发生。