- In these areas,organs of self-government are established for the exercise of the right of autonomy. 各民族自治地方都是中华人民共和国不可分离的部分。
- Owners establish fellowship by law, set down pact as well as exercise the right of autonomy . 业主依法成立业主团体,制定业主公约,行使业主自治权。
- Apart from its official functions like other State organs at the equative level,an ethnic self - government can conduct its right of autonomy. 民族自治地方的自治机关,除了可以行使和它同级的一般国家机关的职权外,还可行使自治权。
- In content, the right of autonomy includes the freedom of self-governance, right to petition, right to enjoy the welfare, right of management. 内容上,高校学生自治权包括高校学生自治的自由权、要求权、福利权、参与权、管理权等内容;
- And the law must say directly that the industry association possesses the right of autonomy, representation, assisting-government, servicing-business and intercession, etc. 在权利方面,行业协会拥有自治权、代表权、辅助政府权、服务企业权、协调权等。
- Regional autonomy is practised in areas where people of minority nationalities live in compact communities; in these areas organs of self-government are established for the exercise of the right of autonomy. 各少数民族聚居的地方实行区域自治,设立自治机关,行使自治权。
- The autonomy statute in municipality pursues equal, righteous and sustainable development idea, and the law fixes the legislative versatile right of autonomy statute in municipality. 自治区自治条例追求平等的、正义的和可持续发展的价值理念,法律规定了自治区自治条例的立法变通权。
- Is there a right of way across these fields? 人们有权通过这些田地吗?
- He was done out of the right of boxing. 他被取消了拳击比赛资格。
- It's our right of way at this turning. 在这个拐弯处,我们有优先行驶权。
- The Normans ruled England by right of conquest. 诺曼人征服了英格兰成了统治者。
- He inherited his father by right of his primogeniture. 他凭着长子继承权,继承了他父亲的财产。
- Reconstructing Operating System of Villagers'Right of Autonomy 重构村民自治权运行框架的尝试
- He demand the right of reply to the newspaper allegation. 他要求获得对报纸断言的答辩权。
- It's my right of way, so you should have stopped and let me go. 我有优先通行权,你本应当停车让我先过。
- Hizbullah's leadership has a lot of autonomy in making decisions. 真主党的领导人一直都表现出很强的自主意愿。
- People have the rights of assembly and expression. 人们有集会和发表言论的权利。
- A barrister have right of audience in any court in England and Wales. 高级律师在英格兰或威尔士的任何法院都有发表意见的权利。
- One of our cherished privileges is the right of free speech. 我们所珍视的权利之一是言论自由。
- These mutual right of inheritance strengthened the autonomy of the gens. 这些相互继承遗产的权利加强了氏族的自决权。