- WinCHM is a very easy-to-use help authoring tool. * 推荐使用快车 下载本站软件,能下载到最快的速度!
- IceCream comes with its own authoring tool: Milkshake. 冰淇淋是通过它自己的创作工具:奶昔。
- A wide variety of smaller vendors have begun to provide SMIL authoring tools and players as well. 众多较小的供应商已开始提供SMIL创作工具和播放器。
- You do not need lots of document authoring tools and design tools to make great software. 您无需大量文件创建工具和设计工具来形成一个大软件。
- Authoring tools can get your app working quickest, but are only useful for a narrow range of applications. 创作工具可以以最快的速度产生你的程序,但是仅对某一些类型的程序起作用。
- Portability: Since authoring tools are proprietary, your portability is limited to whatever they offer. 移植性:因为创作工具是具有专利权的,你的移植性以他们提供的功能息息相关。
- As you experiment with Web authoring tools, you'll have fun creating attractive and useful pages. 当你用网页著作工具来试验,你将在设计吸引人和有用的网页中感到有趣。
- To get mathematical images onto the Web easily, we need to integrate those mathematical authoring tools into a JSP Web application. 要简便地将数学图像放到Web上,我们需要将那些进行数学编写的工具集成到JSP Web应用程序中。
- Games Written in Authoring Tools: Myst and a few other "exploration" games of the same genre. All of the Shockwave games on the web. 使用创作工具编写的游戏:“神秘岛”和其他一些同类型的探险游戏。所有的Shockwave游戏都在网络上。
- This can be used by both authoring tools and browsers to generate tables of contents to assist users with navigating the document. 这可以用两种写作工具和浏览器生成表的内容,以帮助用户浏览文件。
- The ability to write scripts for such a methodology should be made fully familiar with various multimedia and authoring tools. 的能力,写剧本,这样的一种方法,应作出充分熟悉各种多媒体和创作工具。
- VRML browsers, as well as authoring tools for the creation of VRML files, are widely available for many different platforms. VRML浏览器,同制作VRML文件的制作工具一样,广泛应用于许多不同的平台上。
- NaturalMotion's third product, morpheme, is an advanced animation engine and powerful authoring tool chain. NaturalMotion公司的第三件产品“morpheme”是一款高级动画引擎和强大的编辑工具链。
- Check the open shutter parts of laser cards and membership cards authoring tool. 查抄那敞开激光器快门的部件制卡和会员卡制作东西。
- Expertly designed corporate site and small sites designed by individuals not only share design principles but also are created with the same kinds of Web authoring tools. 专业设计的企业网站和个人设计的小站不止分享设计原则还用相同网页著作工具制作。
- Cancellation method is : can use pens, brush and other authoring tools, and instruments in the southern Portuguese painting several underlining cancelled. 注销方法是:可以用钢笔、毛笔等书写工具,在印花税票与凭证的交接处画几条横线注销。
- Beatware Mobile Designer is a complete authoring tool for creating interactive Flash and SVG content for cell phones, PDA's and the Web. 一款功能强大的创建交互式SVG动画和图片的软件。
- Help & Manual is an advanced multi format help authoring tool that provides all the formatting and editing features of a modern word processor. 帮助和功能选单是一个先进的多格式帮助授权工具,可提供现代字处理软件所有的格式化和编辑功能。
- A service level definition and contract authoring tool can be provided to create service level definitions and generate user side contracts for the service domain. 我们可以提供服务级别定义和契约编写工具来创建服务级别定义,生成用户端的服务域契约。
- A service level definition and contract authoring tool can be provided to create the service level definitions and generate supplier side contracts for the service domain. 我们可以提供服务级别定义和契约编写工具,用于为服务域创建服务级别定义,以及生成提供方的契约。