- Method: 620 cases of augmentation rhinoplasty were reviewed. 方法:对620例隆鼻术进行了回顾性分析。
- Methods A series of 21 patients with flat nasion was treated with mini-implant for augmentation rhinoplasty. 方法:针对一组21例单纯鼻根部低平、鼻根最低点位置偏下的就医者,置入微小假体进行隆鼻。
- Objective To reduce the complications of augmentation rhinoplasty with silicons and improve the effect of rhinoplasty. 目的为了减少固体硅胶假体隆鼻手术并发症,提高隆鼻手术效果。
- Objective To explore a method of augmentation rhinoplasty with autogenous ear cartilage graft. 目的探讨自体耳软骨移植鼻成形术的临床效果。
- Results Satisfactory results were achieved in all of the 20 cases for augmentation rhinoplasty. 结果本组20例患者术后随访鼻外形均良好,无免疫排斥反应、假体外露、假体摆动等情况发生。
- Objective To clarify the superficial musculoaponeurotic system of nose and the layers of augmentation rhinoplasty and their relations. 目的明确鼻部表浅肌肉筋膜系统及隆鼻术假体置放层次与它们之间的关系。
- Objective To investigate the augmentation rhinoplasty method of using own auricular cartilage combined with solid silica gel implant. 目的探讨应用自体耳软骨与固体硅胶假体联合隆鼻的方法。
- Objective To present scientific basis for the selection of the layer at nasal dorsum with the prosthesis inserted in during augmentation rhinoplasty. 目的比较鼻骨骨膜与鼻背深筋膜生物力学特性的差异,为隆鼻术选择适宜的假体置入层次选择提供科学依据。
- CONCLUSION: We found that harvesting the costal cartilage for augmentation rhinoplasty leads to predictable, highly satisfactory outcomes. 结论:自体肋软骨移植物用在加高型鼻整形术,可达预期的效果;
- Objective To investigate the possible reasons and prevention resolution of exposure of prosthetics to improve the outcome of augmentation rhinoplasty. 目的:探讨隆鼻术后假体外露的可能原因及预防措施,提高隆鼻术的手术成功率。
- Objective To compare the duration of edema and the effect of one-stage and two-stage augmentation rhinoplasty and oriental blepharoplasty. 目的了解重睑与隆鼻术一期与分期成形手术效果以及术区肿胀时间的差异。
- Methods Under local anesthesia, the augmentation rhinoplasty was carried out with expanded polytetrafluethlene or combined with self cartilage from cavum conchalis. 方法局部麻醉下应用膨体聚四氟乙烯假体或复合自体耳甲腔软骨进行隆鼻手术。
- There has been a lot of controversies on which layer the silastic implants should be inserted in the augmentation rhinoplasty,i.e. subperiosteal or deep subfascial. 在隆鼻术中,假鼻体应埋于骨膜以下还是深筋膜以下一直是整形外科业内人士讨论的重要问题。
- Methods Fifty-six individuals who were not suitable for incision from the nostril edge or for open incision underwent augmentation rhinoplasty with an oral incision approach. 方法对56例不适宜行一侧鼻孔缘切口或开放性切口的患者,采用经口腔入路隆鼻术。
- Methods:We have done nasal tip and columella plasty successfully on 65 patients hy sewing the alar cartilage of both sides or resecting the part of nasal septum cartilage in augmentation rhinoplasty. 方法:对65例患者在隆鼻术的同时利用自体的鼻翼软骨进行界尖抬高,通过切除部分中隔软骨进鼻算小柱下垂的繁复。
- Objective To investigate the superiority of augmentation rhinoplasty using auricular cartilage in conjunction with silica gel implant, which can enhance autologous tissue thickness in nasal tip. 目的探讨应用耳软骨加强鼻尖部自体组织的厚度,并与硅胶假体联合置入隆鼻的方法。方法取适当的耳甲腔软骨雕刻成型,附在硅胶假体鼻尖部,置入鼻背筋膜下,进行隆鼻。
- Objective To advance augmentative rhinoplasty skills on different nose - shapes and the aesthetic effects, and prevent complication. 目的:为了提高对各鼻形的隆鼻技术,预防并发症的发生,以提高隆鼻术后的整体效果。
- Objective: To investigate the revision rates after the operations of double eyelid and augmentative rhinoplasty, analyze the reasons and seek the method to deal with. 目的:统计重睑与隆鼻术返修率,分析原因,以探求出良好的对策。
- Choosing and sculpturing of implants in augmentation rhinoplasty 隆鼻术中鼻假体的选择与雕刻
- Applications of skin-color silastic in augmentation rhinoplasty 隆鼻手术中肤色硅胶的应用